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Lunch Program

April 12, 2024


All children must be registered to stay in the lunch program full or part time.

The lunch program students stay at the school and is located in the Learning Centre
in the basement level of the school.
Registration Forms are available at the School Office
If you would like to be put on the waiting list please fill out a registration form and hand into the office.

Fees and Regulations
Fee structure and payment
  • As this is a non - profit organization run by the Parent Advisory Council, all money derived from the program is used to pay the staff's salary, purchase milk and supplies for activities.
  • You may provide ten postdated cheques payable to the GLENELM LUNCH PROGRAM. Fees for each month must be paid in advance with cheques dated the 1st of each month, OR we also have e-Transfer available. Monthly payments are $35 per month for one child and $30 per month for each additional child in the same family (plus a family $30 registration fee  – see below).
  •  Upon request, alternate payment methods may be arranged.

Please note the following:


  • A once a year registration fee of $30 per family is due upon registration to process the registration. This will be refunded if a child is denied a space due to capacity limits.
  • A $5 NSF fee will be charged for any returned payment
  • A late charge of $10 will be added for any fees not paid by the 3rd of the payment month. If fees have still not been paid by 9 a. m.  of the following day,  the child will be suspended from the lunch program until fees have been paid. If this occurs, the parent will be responsible to make alternate arrangements for their child. For reoccurring late payments the child may be withdrawn from the program
  • If your child will not be attending the lunch program on any given day, please advise the office before 9:30 a.m. on that day as all lunch program students need to be accounted for.
  • If for any reason you withdraw your child from the lunch program, any remaining fees will be refunded.

Behaviour Expectations and Consequences:

Students must:
- Show courtesy and respect to other students and the Lunch Program staff
- Keep their hands and feet to themselves at all times
- Listen to and cooperate with the Lunch Program staff at all times
- Remain seated while eating

Unacceptable behaviours are:
- Disrespect or rudeness
- Offensive language
- Rough play
- Throwing or kicking outdoor elements such as gravel or snowballs
- Spitting, biting or scratching, or physical violence of any kind
- Damaging property

Consequences for unacceptable behaviour may include:
- Verbal reminder or warning
- Time out or loss of lunch hour recess
- Suspension from the lunch program

The Lunch Program staff will address any unacceptable behaviour during the lunch hour. The
parents/guardians will also be called or emailed each time an unacceptable behaviour occurs so that
they are aware, and can speak to their child to help them change their behaviour. Consequences depend
upon a number of factors, including, but not limited to, the child’s age and developmental level, the
severity of the action, and the student’s past behaviour.
An automatic one day suspension will be given if there is any form of physical violence. The Lunch
Program coordinator will call the student’s parent/guardian, and fill out an official suspension form. If
the student repeats the action, they will be given a three day suspension. Any further physical violence
will result in the student’s expulsion from the Lunch Program.
A suspension may also be given, as a last resort, if any unacceptable behaviour (as listed above) occurs
on a regular basis. The Lunch Program staff reserve the right to use their own discretion in all matters
relating to unacceptable behaviour.


  • Do not send food that needs heating, as there will not be a microwave available.

  • Due to allergies, please refrain from sending food to school containing nuts or fish, as these are the most common allergies.

  • The lunch program follows the 'no junk' food policy of the Winnipeg School Division. Items not allowed include gum, chips, pop, candy, chocolate or seeds in the shell. Such items found may be taken away from the student and given to their teacher to be picked up at the end of the day.

Lunch program applications are available through the School office in person or by emailing 


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