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May 15, 2024

The Winnipeg Adult Education Centre Main Library is located on the third floor in our downtown campus at 310 Vaughan St. We also have a Library at the Adolescent Parent Centre (136 Cecil St.), as well as an extensive Digital Library with E-Books and Audiobooks. The following services are available in the Library:

  • free WIFI to use with your personal device.
  • resource support in all subjects from teachers.
  • access to technology (desktop computers, Chromebooks, graphing calculators).
  • free printing for school work (5 cents/page for personal printing).
  • a quiet space to study.
  • employment help from our career advisor.
  • student card photos and printing.
  • the ability to checkout books from a diverse collection that is consistently being updated.

If you are looking for books in our Main Campus Library: 

If you are looking for a book at the Adolescent Parent Centre:

If you are looking to download an E-Book or Audiobook: 

Hours of Operation (September - June):

  • Monday to Friday: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm

For more information, email our Teacher-Librarian, Phil Cook: 

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