Registrations for Grade 7-8
January 20, 2025
As of the fall of 2024, École Luxton School has added Grade 7 programming. In the 2025 - 2026 we can look forward to adding grade 8 programming.
Our teachers are developing rich programming with a middle years philosophy:
- Students take practical arts courses (sewing, woods, metals, cooking) with facilities and expert teachers at St. John's High School. They are bussed from Luxton once each cycle.
- Luxton now has a full-time music teacher and has purchased instruments, such as guitar, to offer our grade 7 and 8 students
- Rich learning experiences are offered in a block timetable - students will have fewer teachers and a more personal timetable than they would in a traditional junior high school model.
- We are developing new options courses for the 2025-2026 school year.