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French Immersion at École Luxton School

June 4, 2024
École Luxton School French Immersion Programme

What is French Immersion?

The French Immersion Programme is a form of bilingual education for students whose first language is not French. French Immersion integrates language learning with content-area instruction. 

Children receive their instruction in French from a teacher who speaks, reads, and writes in French with a high level of competency. Kindergarten students receive no formal instruction in English. In subsequent grades (1 - 6), English instruction is gradually increased, but French is the language of instruction for 70% or more of the school day. At the secondary level, students complete 15 credits or more in French by the end of Grade 12 to receive a French Immersion Diploma.

What is the Vision for Students in the French Immersion Programme?

  • To develop proud, confident, engaged, plurilingual global citizens
  • To develop students’ ability to interact spontaneously, autonomously, and confidently in French with ease
  • To develop an identity as Canadian citizens, competent in both official languages, which opens up lifelong opportunities and fosters openness to other languages and cultures

What is a “Dual-Track School”?

  • Dual-track means that both the English programme and the French immersion programme co-exist in the same school at Luxton.
  • Dual-track schools follow the same French immersion curriculum developed by the Province of Manitoba.
  • French is the language of communication among staff and teachers within the programme. Outside of class, there is likely a high prevalence of English spoken (for example, on the playground).
  • Physical Education and Music are offered in English only. 
  • Communication with parents is in English, including report cards, parent meetings, newsletters and so on.
  • École Luxton School’s principal is bilingual and understands French Immersion philosophy, pedagogy, and leadership needs.
  • In Winnipeg School Division, parents have the choice to enter a milieu or dual-track French Immersion setting.  

Entry and Progression

At École Luxton School, children may take Nursery school when they are aged four. Nursery is a play-based program offered only in English. 

The French Immersion Programme begins in Kindergarten at École Luxton School for students who are aged five. Students may also enter French Immersion within the first 30 days in the grade 1 school year. Following that time, students may be allowed to transfer into French Immersion, depending on an assessment to determine their ability and whether support can be arranged. Decisions for special admissions are made by the program team in consultation with the principal.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the school communicate information to parents/guardians about a child’s progress?

Teachers will communicate about student progress and achievement to parents in English through report cards, interview, informal written notes and email, online apps (SeeSaw, Google Classroom), and phone calls.

 How can parents / guardians assist their child?

1708103720216.pngWhile it is not necessary that parents be able to speak French, they can play an important role in ensuring their child’s success by:

  • showing an interest in the program and in their child’s progress.
  • encouraging and supporting their child’s efforts.
  • reading stories to their child in English and listening to them read aloud in French and in English.
  • participating whenever possible in the life of the school.
  • providing additional opportunities for exposure to French language and culture beyond the classroom.
  • contacting the child’s teacher when he/she experiences difficulty with homework.

 What are the parents’ responsibilities?

Parents who enroll their child in the programme should remember that they are making a long-term commitment. Parents are cautioned not to exert pressure on the child to ‘perform in French’ at home. Children accept that their classroom experience is in French, and that the rest of their life at home with their family or with their friends is in English or, possibly, another language.

Is transportation provided?1708103032059.png

French Immersion students who are eligible for transportation (more than 1.6 km away but still in the school's catchment area) under Board policy will be transported to school by bus.

École Luxton School…

Together we are better!

Ensemble nous sommes meilleurs!

111 Polson Avenue
Winnipeg MB R2W 0M5 
Telephone: (204) 589-4368   Email:

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