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Grade 1/2 - Ms. Kabani - Room 217

March 13, 2024

Welcome to Room 217 Grade 1/2/3

Dear Families,

Welcome to Room 217 grade 1/2/3!  My name is Tazmeen Kabani and I will be your child's teacher this year. I am excited to be a part of your child's learning journey and I look forward to a very exciting and productive year. I encourage you to contact me by calling the school at 204-786-5749, if you have any questions or concerns at any time. 

Classroom Expectations

It is expected for students to follow Pinkham School's C.A.R.E. rules at all times.

  • Come prepared to LEARN
  • ACTIVELY  listening
  • Everybody BELONGS


Each student is expected to take part in our Home Reading Program. Students are expected to read 20 minutes daily. The Home Reading Program provides an opportunity for you to become involved in your child's learning and to also share and enjoy stories together. Weekly word study words will be sent home during the week. Please have your child review and practice their words. Occasionally there will be math homework to help students practice concepts being taught in class.

Areas of Study


Students will develop scientific inquiry skills and attitudes as they observe the natural and physical world around them. They will explore, observe, research and communicate their findings. Topics of focus this year will include Characteristics and Needs of Living Things, Daily and Seasonal changes, Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases.

Social Studies

Topics of focus will include Our Local Community, Communities in Canada, Connecting and Belonging, Remembrance Day, and Mapping skills.


Personal and Social Development, Safety of Self and Others, Nutrition, Kids in the Know, Healthy Lifestyle Practice (Active Living), and Second Step (Social emotional learning Program).


Students will continue to develop confidence and competency in all areas of the math strands:  Number sense, Patterns and Relations, Shape and Space and Statistics and Probability.

English Language Arts

Students will continue to develop confidence in their listening, speaking, viewing, writing and reading skills.  We will look at picking "Just Right" books and challenging ourselves with our reading. We will use a variety of strategies that good readers use. Students will participate in the Daily 5, which includes Read to Self, Work on Writing, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading and Word Work. We will use the 6 Traits of writing model in our daily writing.


Students will be using the tool Seesaw to document their learning. Students will have the opportunity to create their own digital student portfolios. Students will be able to share with their parents their learning.


Regular attendance is important in your child's academic success. Students are expected to come to school on time. In the event your child is absent, please contact the school office.



Tazmeen Kabani

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