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Science Rendezvous

February 8, 2021

Kelvin Celebrates Science Odyssey Week

Students from the Kelvin ISAMR program ran a booth at the National Science Rendezvous event on May 11th at the University of Manitoba. This public event attracted 5,000 children from across the province to experience the wonder of science. The Kelvin students introduced youngsters to the WhiskerPrint and Body Condition polar bear research that we have been conducting since 2012. As the only  high school group at this event, the students joined with the university students to put on an exciting day of science.

Earlier in the week, these same ISAMR (International Arctic Monitoring and Research) students led activities for high school students in another Science Odyssey event at the Assiniboine Park Zoo with Dr. Jim Roth from the UM Department of Biological Sciences. The events included various photogrammetry techniques which allow for non-invasive polar bear research.

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