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Information and Correspondence

June 7, 2024
Norquay Save the Date

Welcome Parents & Guardians to Norquay's Information and Correspondence page! 

The most recent correspondence can be found at the top of this page, and the oldest at the bottom. We will post all letters home and all correspondence on this page for you to refer back to if a note did not make it home for you to read.

Please note that we use School Messenger email to deliver most notices home to family. If you have not been getting updates from our office, please email us at or call us to let us know. We will fix the issue and ensure that you get all updates.

General Letters and Information

13 October 2023 - Classroom Composition Letter - Nursery/Kinder Combined Class

11 March 2024 - Smudging Info Letter

2023/2024 Newsletters

March Newsletter / Calendar

May Newsletter / Calendar



Social Media

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