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Humanities (Social Studies)

May 14, 2024
Humanities (Social Studies)

Grade 9 

humanities_2-1024x768.jpegSocial Studies 10F (1 Credit) SOSR1F

The Social Studies course is every day for one semester, divided into  two terms. The course will cover sections in Diversity and Pluralism, Democracy and Governance, Globalization, Citizenship and Social Justice. Students explore concepts of identity, culture and community in relation to individuals, societies, and nations. Students will also be expected to incorporate skills of active citizenship, managing ideas and information, critical and creative thinking, and communication. Grade 9 Social Studies is a prerequisite course for the grade 10 Geography course.

Grade 10 

Geography 20F (1 Credit) GEOR2F
Students will focus on a variety of issues and challenges of the contemporary world, with a particular focus on Canada. Students will learn skills related to geographic thinking, study concepts related to the ownership and development of natural resources, production and distribution of food, development of industry and trade, and increasing urbanization. Throughout the course, students will become aware of the importance of the environment, stewardship, and sustainable development, as well as the social, political and economic implications of their personal choices. The prerequisite for this course is Social Studies 10F.

Grade 11

humanities_1-1024x578.jpgHistory 30S (1 Credit) HISR3F
The curriculum supports citizenship as a core concept and engages students in historical inquiry. Students will be guided by essential questions to focus on the history of Canada from pre-contact to the present. Through this process students will learn to think historically and acquire enduring understandings related to the major themes in Canadian history, including; First Nations, Metis and Inuit Peoples, French- English Duality, Identity, Diversity and Citizenship, Governance and Economics, and Canada and the World. The prerequisite for this course is Geography 20F.

Grade 12

humanities-4.jpgGlobal Issues: Citizenship and Sustainability 40S (1 Credit) GLIR4S
Students conduct inquiry into the social, political, environmental and economic impact of contemporary and emerging global issues. Through their inquiry, students focus on questions about the quality of life locally, nationally and globally. This course is based on the principles of active democratic citizenship, ecological literacy, critical media literacy, ethical decision-making, and consolidates learning across the disciplines to empower students as agents of change for a sustainable and equitable future.

Indigenous Studies (1 credit) CTIR4S

This course provides an overview of the historical, political, social, and economic issues that Indigenous Peoples in North America face today. Contemporary issues regarding justice, family values, art and foods will also be studied. Students will have an opportunity to create several art projects as well.

Law 40S (1 Credit) LAWR4S
Students will examine Canadian Law fundamentals related to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Criminal Law and Civil Law. Much of the course work is built around the study of real life cases and how they relate to each aspect of the law. There is also an expectation that student participate in classroom discussions. 

Psychology 40S (1 Credit) PSYR4S
A survey course focusing on a brief history of the science of psychology, human development, theories of personality development and motivation. The course also examines the role that stress plays in our lives, various psychological disorders, and social attitudes regarding gender role. 


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