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Weston is on Facebook!

December 16, 2022

Weston School has a new way for us to reach out and provide information for all our parents and caregivers.  We have a new Facebook page!  On this page we will be providing:

  1. special event announcements
  2. class news
  3. school closure reminders
  4. school programming reminders

Although we do provide these announcements through paper copies sent home with your children and through our phone system, we believe that adding Facebook to our means of communication increases our ability to communicate with our valued parents and caregivers.

To find our Facebook page, click the link, and then click on FOLLOW.

Currently we are not monitoring Facebook Messenger consistently, but this may change in the future.  In most cases, comments will be turned off for announcements, but there may be opportunities in the future for us to use this Facebook page to get your opinion on events we are considering.  If you have questions about what we are doing at Weston, it is still best to communicate directly with your child’s teacher or to phone the school at (204) 775-2591.

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