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Grade 9 Program

May 24, 2024

At Children of the Earth, we are working hard to embrace the vision of the Indigenous, grass roots community activists and knowledge keepers that brought our school into being just over 30 years ago. Our purpose and vision is for our students to learn all they can so they can be best prepared to use their individual gifts and talents to give back to the community, live a good life, and lead our nations with wisdom, courage, and strength. We look forward to doing this work with all of you!

Program Highlights:

  • One teacher for most classes

  • Math, Phys. Ed., and Art taught by program specialists

  • Integrated, project-based learning experiences

  • Focus on deep learning and culturally/personally relevant topics

  • Integrated Indigenous language learning (Cree and/or Ojiibwe)

  • Dedicated time with our knowledge keeper in class

  • Access to school-wide and grade specific cultural programming through the Golden Eagle Feather Trail / Ginew Megwan Mikina program see link here

  • Cultural advisory linked here  every Wednesday afternoon

  • Authentic, reflective, holistic assessment

  • Learning in community, on the land, and in hands-on ways

  • Relationships, relevance, and rigour guide our action

BPL @ Children of the Earth Infographic-page-001.jpg

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