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General Information

July 2, 2024

The entry/exit times are as follows: 

Kindergarten a.m.: 8:50 – 11:30 a.m.
Kindergarten p.m.: 12:55 – 3:30 p.m.
Grades 1 – 6: 8:50 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Students are expected to enter and leave the building in a quiet and orderly manner using their designated exits and entrances. Upon entry, students should go directly to their lockers and then proceed to their classrooms as quickly as possible.  Parents are expected to remain at the entrance to the building and not proceed through the halls.

Recess Periods
Children in grades 1 – 6 are expected to go outside for a 15 minute recess both in the morning and afternoon. Recess is indoors if it is raining or if the temperature including wind chill is -28 degrees Celsius or lower. If the children are well enough to attend school, it is JB Mitchell policy that the students are well enough to go out for recess.

The following times are designated recess periods:

Morning Recess: 10:30 - 10:45 a.m.

Afternoon Recess: 2:30 - 2:45 p.m.

Attendance and Call Back System
Students who are not in attendance during the morning or afternoon at École J.B. Mitchell School are part of a call back system. Teachers report the names of children who are absent then our Safe Arrival system calls and emails the parent/guardians of every child for whom we did not receive prior notification regarding the absence. The order of priority is home, the work and then the emergency contact. In order to ensure student safety, it is imperative that parents/guardians notify us of any student's absences/late arrivals. Students who arrive at school late are instructed to report to the office first before going to their homerooms.

Student Information
It is of the utmost importance for the school to have the proper students address, home telephone number, parent’s business telephone number, and a friend or relative’s telephone number for each child in case of emergencies or illness. Please notify the school of any changes immediately.

Administering Medication to Students
It is the Winnipeg School Division policy that any medication required to be administered during school hours must be accompanied with a note from the physician indicating the name of the drug, the dosage required and any other instructions necessary for the prescription to be given appropriately. The medication will be kept in a locked cupboard and dispensed by staff personnel.  Students are not permitted to have medications with them in class unless a healthcare plan is in place, this includes medications such as Tylenol, Advil, and allergy pills.

"Safety Before Convenience" is the motto we have at this school. Parents are not permitted to use the parking lot as a drop off or pick up point for their children. We are concerned for your child's safety when they run into the parking lot and cars are coming and going. Please park on the street and walk your child to the school from there. Please also remember that there is no parking on the North side of John Brebeuf Place between the hours of 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. and 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. and on the South side of John Brebeuf Place there is a No Stopping Zone in front of the front doors as well as an area designated as a No Parking Area.

Newsletter and Parent Notices 
Communication between the home and school on a regular basis is important in establishing an effective home-school partnership. Our monthly newsletter is published the first week of each month and is sent to families via email while also being available on this website under the newsletters dropdown. Please check the newsletter for important information. The school and classroom teachers often send home notices and information either by email or through the classroom SeeSaw account.

Student Assessment and Reporting 
Teachers are continually evaluating the progress of their students. The reporting periods will be in November, March, and June. There are two parent/teacher conferences scheduled during these reporting times. Two-way communication is essential to help plan and provide your child with the best possible learning environment. We encourage parents/guardians to be actively involved with their child's learning and to contact teachers whenever possible if they have any questions or concerns. We also ask that the teachers contact the home if they need to communicate for any reason with the family regarding issues or progress.

Lunch Program
The supervision of students during the lunch hour in all W.S.D. schools is the responsibility of the Parent Councils or Parent Run Lunch Programs. All children attending the lunch program at École J. B. Mitchell School must have a registration form completed in order to attend. Registration forms are available at the school office and on this website under the Lunch Program dropdown. If you need more information, please email the lunch program directly at

Homework is viewed as an integral part of the lifelong learning process.  

Students are asked NOT to bring valuables to school, this includes cell phones, personal ipads, laptops, smart watches, and expensive toys. All toys should be kept at home as well. Students bringing valuables or toys to school do so at their own risk.

Fire Drills 
Ten fire drills will be held during the school year. Students will be trained in exit procedures and routes from each classroom in which they attend classes. Students are to move quickly, quietly, and in an orderly fashion to exit the building.  

Each year students have the opportunity to take part in a variety of sports activities, including intramural and interschool sports events. Most sports activities are scheduled during lunch hours. Notification will go home in the newsletters regarding these activities and their times.

We are extremely proud of our school patrols. School patrols are on duty in the morning at 8:35 - 8:50 , before lunch at 11:50 - 12:05, after lunch at 12:40 - 12:55 and after school at 3:25 - 3:40. Please ensure your child crosses with the patrols between these hours and that your child respects their guidance.

Student Leadership Training and Opportunities 
The older students in our school have opportunities to actively participate in a variety of roles where leadership skills are trained and encouraged. 

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