Women's Retreat
February 9, 2021

The two day retreat took place at an off site location and included workshops from SERC, TEEN TALK and Moksha YOGA did a class with a dedication to Sisterhood. The evening cumulated in a circle led by the guidance counselor. The girls shared their stories, their fears and their hopes. Hours passed and there were many tears, but much more comfort and support. Complete with delicious food, facials, jewelry making, giving gold and gift bags it turned out to be a memorable event for all involved.
In the morning, the girls all took part in the painting of a banner which they proudly hung in the hall at Elmwood High School s on Tuesday, December 3rd. Wearing their Unleash Your Inner Goddess t-shirts, the Many Strong and Beautiful Women launched the White Ribbon Campaign to mark the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women.