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January 16, 2022

Grade 9 Guitar (0.5 Credit)


Students will learn how to play and read more complex guitar chords and more difficult tablature. Students will be able to play their favourite guitar-featured songs as well as research some of the best guitar players, spanning varying genres. Other areas of study are guitar history, strumming technique and finger picking. Students will learn on acoustic, electric and classical models. 

Student Learning Outcomes: Be able to read basic open chords and play them in any order given. Be able to read complex TAB (tablature) and play melodies using this system.

  1. Be able to name the different parts of the guitar as well as explain the differences between electric, classical and acoustic guitars. 
  2. Be able to play power chord as well as multiple note melodies using all of the strings. 
  3. Be able to look up their favourite songs and play them using the same or similar strumming technique as the artist of the song.
  4.  Be able to play melodies using proper finger picking technique. 

Course Outline tests both written and in person (small group or individual): Tests on more difficult chords 1 neck test (fill in the blank style) Multiple playing tests on playing chords, reading tab, playing tab, single-line melody tab 2-3 tests displaying finger-picking technique and strumming patters. Multiple informal group tests playing the same song. Sing and play at the same time tests, simple chords using teaching approved songs for ALL tests! 1 Final exam at the end of the year worth 25% of the third term mark. 

Performance test at end of the year concert!!!!!

Learning Approaches and strategies:  Students will be working in pairs as well as one on one with the teacher Students will listen to various guitar players and study strumming patters and use of chords in various inversions. Students will study guitar chords off of different sources such as books, websites and YouTube tutorials.

Additional Comments:

Students may bring in their phones, lab tops/ tablets and headphones in order to watch or listen to songs they are studying for strumming patterns, clarity in chords, visualization or any other information these videos help with their playing. Students are expected to use technology in a ethical and responsible manner at all times.


One on one playing tests in front of teacher- 80%

Small and large group -10%

Written tests -10% 

Grade Scale:

 4 (80% to 100%) - Very good to excellent understanding and application of concepts and skills (Student thoroughly understands all or nearly all concepts and/or skills; student routinely makes connections to similar concepts and skills; student applies creatively to own life and support new learning

3 (70% to 79%) - Good understanding and application of concepts and skills (Student understands most concepts and skills; student often makes connections to similar concepts and skills; student sometimes applies to own life and to support new learning)

(60% to 69%) -  Basic understanding and application of concepts and skills (Student understands most concepts and skills; student occasionally makes connections to similar concepts and skills)

1 (50% to 59%) - Limited understanding and application of concepts and skills (Student understands some key concepts and skills; student rarely makes connections to similar concepts and skills) 

ND - Does Not yet Demonstrate the required understanding and application of concepts & skills

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