School Registration Information
April 26, 2024
Rockwood School is now accepting student applications for the 2024/2025 school year.
Please fill out the Student Application for Registration form, print and sign and then email them directly to the school. Paper copies are also available from the school office.
If you are unable to print or scan the forms, please contact the school via email at or by phone at 204-452-4210. Schools are checking emails and voice messages on a daily basis.
All applications for resident students will only be accepted conditionally until all documentation confirming the information below has been received.
Students new to WSD or transferring within WSD:
- Student's legal full name
- Date of birth
- Sex (as indicated on birth certificate or equivalent documentation)
- Citizenship (Immigration documentation will be required)
- Current school attended
- Grade
- Current address (rental agreement or mortgage/property tax statement)
- Primary phone number
- Email address
- Name of legal guardian and relationship to student
- Does student live with guardian(s) as identified (custody orders are required)
- Manitoba Health card or insurance card from another province (only valid for 90 days)
Non-Resident Students:
If you reside outside the WSD boundaries, please contact the school directly as Schools of Choice guidelines apply as per the Winnipeg School Division Policy JEC - School Admissions/Schools of Choice. Acceptance is based on numerous factors including program and grade request, space availability and class size.
Non-resident students must fill out a Non-Resident Student Application Form AND a Student Application for Registration Form.
For more student registration & enrolment forms, click here
For any information regarding Temporary Resident Registration, click here
The following documents will be required Temporary Resident (in Cananda with a VIsa) registrations:
• Your child’s student permit or visitor record
• Your child’s passport
• Your child’s birth certificate
• Documents from student’s previous school
- Most recent report card for grade 1-8 students
- High school transcripts for grade 9-12 students
• If your child has a medical condition which will require extra supports while attending school, please bring all relevant diagnosis documentation
• Legal guardian’s student and/or work permits
- If the legal guardian is on a student permit, then one of the following is required:
- A letter of enrolment from the school’s registrar showing your program and the program’s length
- Receipt issued by your post-secondary institution for the current or upcoming semester
- If the legal guardian’s work permit states they can only work for a specific employer, then proof of employment from that specific employer is required
• Legal guardian’s passport
• Proof of address
- If you rent: a rental agreement
- If you own: an accepted offer to purchase or property tax bill
• Valid medical insurance for your child
- If the family is not eligible for Manitoba Health, then insurance can be purchased through a private insurance company
Please note:
• All documents must be translated into English
• If required, please bring an interpreter at your own cost
• If you are missing documents, we will assist you where possible
If you require before or after child care, the YMCA/YWCA Kidspace Daycare is housed in the school. Please click here for more information.
If you would like to child to stay at the school for lunch, we have the Rockwood Lunch Program that is run by the parent council. Please click here for more information.