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February 5, 2025
School Newsletters

Welcome! We have lots of great information here about your child's school to share via our newsletters and school updates. This includes the calendar, information, reminders, school events, and celebrations. 

Newsletters and most updates are sent home by email through School Messenger. 

Please make sure we have your current email address as we try as much as possible to be paper free whenever we can. 

Thank you for your support and as always; if you have any questions, please call us at 204-783-9012.

2024-2025 Newsletters

October News.pdf

November 2024.pdf

December 2024.pdf

January 2025 Newsletter.pdf

February 2025 Newsletter.pdf


Winnipeg School Division has created a registration tab on our website to allow families to register by downloading an application and scanning it or mailing it to their child's school, including copies of required documentation. Applicants can also contact schools for hard copies to be sent via mail or picked up and for requests such as interpreter assistance. Registration acceptance will be based on the student's residence within the school division's boundaries and the fulfillment of a requirement to present a hard copy of the application, signed by the guardian. Non-resident student applicants are required to follow Manitoba's Schools of Choice guidelines. 

If you have any questions about the process, please give us a call at school.

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