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Lynx Gym

August 21, 2023

Welcome to Éducation physique/Physical Education in the Lynx Gym!

The Physical Education program at École Laura Secord School focuses on promoting lifelong physical activity by building physical literacy. Students will take part in activities designed for the acquisition and development of fundamental movement skills. In addition, they will build their knowledge about the importance of physical activity and explore the connection between active living and personal health. The program will cover the Movement and Fitness Management areas of the Manitoba Physical Education curriculum while touching on important aspects of Safety and Personal/Social management. Each class will have a total of 135 minutes of Physical Education time per cycle. The students will have the opportunity to take part in a variety of physical activities, sports, and games that are developmentally and age-appropriate.

Coming prepared to participate: Physical Education classes for your child will be taught primarily in the Lynx Gym. Students are required to have proper footwear and will not be permitted to wear boots or sandals for safety reasons. Certain units/activities will be taught outside, so it is important that students are also prepared to participate in activities outside as well. All students are asked to participate in all activities. If your child has an illness or injury that will prevent them from participating in some or all Physical Education activities, please send a note or an email.

Language of Instruction:    Classes in the French Immersion program will be taught in French, while the English/Alternative classes will be taught in English.

Safety: The students will be reminded of rules and routines within the first few days of school. They will be expected to act and behave in a manner that ensures their own safety and the safety of others and may be asked to sit out of an activity if their behaviour is deemed reckless, dangerous, or puts anyone at risk. The safety of the students is the most important consideration, and great care will be put into all Physical Education classes to ensure the students are safe.

Extra-Curricular Activities: During the year, we plan to offer a variety of extra-curricular activities to students, most often coinciding with sports or games the students have learned during Phys. ed. class, with the goal of allowing students extra time to explore sports and games they enjoy. Permission letters will be sent home in advance detailing the activities, times/dates, and curricular connections. Generally, clubs will take place during the students’ lunch recess, but certain activities may be run before or after school. Participation in these clubs is voluntary.

Please don’t hesitate to get contact me if you need. You can reach me by calling the school, or by email at I am looking forward to a fun and memorable year! 

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