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Resonsibilities of PAC Positions

September 5, 2024


  • shall convene and preside at all executive, general and special meetings or  notify the Vice-Chair to assume this duty as necessary 
  • shall be familiar with and follow the Constitution and Bylaws 
  • shall ensure that an agenda is prepared and distributed following the Bylaws 
  • shall ensure a quorum is present before calling a meeting to order • shall appoint committees where authorized to do so by the Executive or membership and be an ex-officio member to all committees except the Nominating Committee 
  • shall be the official spokesperson and representative for the Council,  always acting on behalf of the majority of members and not personally 
  • shall take such actions or ensure that such actions are taken by others to achieve the objectives and purpose of the organization;
  • shall participate in forming, updating, or reviewing the PAC yearly budget and annual plan 
  • shall be one of the signing officers 
  • shall submit a written annual report to the membership 



  • shall convene and preside at all executive, general and special meetings at the notification of the Chair to assume this duty as necessary shall be familiar with and follow the Constitution and Bylaws shall assume all PAC Chair duties at the request of or in the absence of the Chair 
  • shall accept extra duties as required; 
  • shall participate in forming, updating, and/or reviewing the PAC yearly budget and annual plan 
  • may be one of the signing officers 
  • may submit an annual report at the AGM.


  • shall have a demonstrated ability and/or understanding of bookkeeping procedures 
  • shall keep an accurate and current record of all receipts and expenditures  of the Council. Bank statements must be reconciled monthly and made  available for review as requested 
  • shall assess all financial undertakings to ensure they are within the annual  budget 
  • shall ensure expenditures have the proper authorization and are backed by detailed receipts and invoices 
  • shall prepare a written financial report for presentation at each Council  meeting; this shall include the total balance on hand in all accounts at the  beginning of the period covered by the report and all credits to and  disbursements from the accounts, balance of funds on hand, and outstanding accounts receivable and payable, and the net surplus or deficit 
  • shall be responsible for issuing receipts and the prompt deposit of all  monies paid to the Council. Also refer to Section XV, Finances • shall be one of the Council signing officers 
  • shall ensure all bills are paid promptly 
  • shall participate in forming, updating or reviewing the PAC yearly budget and annual plan 
  • ensure another executive has access to the books in the event of his/her  absence 
  • shall submit an annual report at the AGM. 
  • shall return all documents and supplies belonging to the PAC, or pertaining to PAC business to the school in June of each year


  • shall record the minutes of all executive, general and special meetings • shall prepare complete minutes and ensure their distribution in time for the next school newsletter following the council meeting, or within two weeks of any meeting, whichever is shorter. 
  • shall file the original copy of the minutes in the official Council record  binder 
  • shall issue and receive correspondence on behalf of the Council • shall keep a current copy of the By-laws 
  • shall ensure safekeeping of all records of the Council 
  • shall keep a complete and current inventory, including location, of all  PAC assets 
  • shall ensure the binders are collected at the end of the term and  appropriately redistributed in September 
  • shall keep an accurate copy of the Bylaws and if and when changes are  made they shall be done in red and the amended copy shall be distributed  to the membership at large in hard copy, via email, or posted on the PAC  website 
  • shall permanently place a copy of the adopted minutes in a PAC designated locked file cabinet within the school building. 
  • shall place in the designated file cabinet the financial reports received  from the Treasurer; 
  • shall participate in forming, updating, or reviewing the PAC yearly budget and annual plan 
  • may be a signing officer; and 
  • may submit an annual report at the AGM. 
  • shall return all documents and supplies belonging to the PAC, or pertaining to PAC business to the school in June of each year 


  • shall help smooth transitions between Chairs 
  • shall assist and advise the PAC 
  • shall act as a consultant for the Chair 
  • shall chair the Nominating Committee 
  • may submit an annual report at the AGM 
  • shall return all documents and supplies belonging to the PAC, or pertaining to PAC business to the school in June of each year 


  • shall create and maintain a list of all interested parent volunteers • shall work with school administration, executive, and committees to help  ensure adequate parent volunteers are available at school events • shall coordinate a volunteer orientation session near the beginning of each  school year
  • shall ensure that parent volunteers have completed the volunteer  application and submitted an application for a police background check  prior to volunteering 
  • shall communicate about upcoming volunteer opportunities through the  school newsletter 
  • shall submit an annual report at the AGM 
  • may be one of the signing officers 
  • shall keep an up to date binder of all duties, lists, procedures, etc. • shall return all documents and supplies belong to the PAC, or pertaining  to PAC business, including electronic files, to the secretary at the end of  their term 
  • shall participate in forming, updating, or reviewing the PAC yearly budget  and annual plan 

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