Nursery/Kindergarten - Ms. Budiwski - Room 115
March 13, 2024
Nursery and Kindergarten
ESY Program
In Nursery/Kindergarten we learn in a variety of ways; through exploration, play, small and whole group learning. Through Play we gain confidence, we learn how to communicate with one another and we learn new skills, such as sharing, counting and writing.
In Nursery/Kindergarten we have been developing out creativity, communication, critical thinking and collaboration skills by creating a grocery store, exploring through sensory activities, and creating puppet shows.
Students are developing fine motor skills and collaborating while creating a conveyor belt for the grocery store.
Students are counting and measuring our conveyor belt.
We are reflecting by showing others how to use the conveyor belt and discussing next steps.
We are communicating, counting, working together and using our imaginations while shopping at the grocery store.
Student is developing his observational skills by drawing and painting food that we find at the grocery store.
Students are developing fine motor skills and learning their alphabet while playing at this sensory activity.
This student used his creativity and critical thinking skills while creating a game, writing the rules and sharing with a friend.
We explored measurement and talked about our senses, while playing with snow at the water table.
We discovered colour mixing while spraying snow with coloured water.
Students developed collaboration and communication skills while creating a puppet show.
They later watched their puppet show and reflected on the story.
Students explore writing everyday, while playing at the drama centre, block centre, and small toys. Lately we have enjoyed writing letters to our class elf, Glitter.
Through play students have been learning the alphabet, counting, sorting, and communicating. Most importantly students have been developing a sense of identity, learning to share, and welcoming everybody to our classroom.