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School Registration Information

January 21, 2025
School Registration Information

Registering Your Child for School 

New for the 2025/26 school year 
WSD is streamlining the student registration process for all WSD schoolfor the upcoming 2025/26 academic year. Below are key dates, information and FAQs that are helpful for families. 
Key dates 

February 10     Catchment school registration opens for new students. All students must register with their catchment schools first. If your child is returning to their current school, there is no need to register. 

Online Registration opens at 9:00 AM.  

March 3     School of Choice applications open for within-division students and outside-division students. 
Online applications open at 9:00 AM.      

May 15     School of Choice applications close. 

Please fill out the Student Application for Registration form, print and sign and then email them directly to the school at


Q: What school should my child attend? 
To determine the school that serves your home address, use our Find A School tool.  Search your street name and click on the map to see your child's early, middle or senior years schools, as well as schools your child can attend for WSD language programs. 
QCan my child take the school bus? 
Students in Nursery through Grade 6who attend their catchment-area school and live over 1.6 km away, are eligible for WSD transportation. Requests for transportation must be made at the school the child is registered at. Students must be registered first prior to requesting transportation. Transportation is not provided for students in Grade 7 or higher. 
Q: Why is it important for my child to attend their catchment area school? 
Attending catchment area schools is beneficial because: 

  1. Children can walk or bike to school and stay with neighborhood peers. 

  1. It ensures all schools maintain healthy programs and diverse offerings. 

  1. It supports small class sizes for better learning environments.  

  1. Schools receive funding based on their catchment area. 

  1. It helps avoid extra expenses and resource strain. 


Q: Can my child attend a school outside our catchment area? 
Yes, you can apply but acceptance is not guaranteed. It depends on the school’s space and resources. The provincial guidelines prioritize: 
1. Students designated for that school. 
2. Students within the Winnipeg School Division. 
3. Students outside of Winnipeg School Division.  

Q: Can my child visit open houses outside our catchment area? 

Ideally, schools hosting information sessions should only host students from their designated feeder schools within the same catchment area, or those interested in attending for specialty programming. Visiting schools outside the catchment area is not encouraged to ensure proper alignment with divisional policies 

Q: When can I apply for a School of Choice for my child? 
First, all students must register with their catchment schools first BEFORE applying for a School of Choice. Applications for School of Choice are accepted for the next school year between March 3 and May 15. WSD will inform families of application results by the last week of the current school year, at the latest. 

Q: How can I apply for a School of Choice for my child? 
The School of Choice application process is different for students, depending on whether they live in Winnipeg School Division 

Within-Division Students     
Email a K-12 Within-Division application form to no later than May 15A printed copy can be dropped off at Superintendent’s Office,     Winnipeg School Division, 1577 Wall Street East no later than May 15.  
Outside-Division Students     
Email a Outside-Division application form to no later than May 15. A printed copy can be dropped off at Superintendent’s Office, Winnipeg School Division, 1577 Wall Street East no later than May 15. Four signed copies of the form are no longer required. 

All School of Choice Applications are time-stamped and processed in accordance with provincial guidelines.  

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