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NEW! for 2024-2025 - Grade 10 Program

May 24, 2024

  • Building from our grade 9 program linked here, the grade 10 program will see grade 9 teachers ‘loop’ or follow students into grade 10, taking advantage of the strong nurturing relationships already built in grade 9.  

  • The in-school program characteristics remain the same, except for the addition of “Learning Through Internships” (LTI)

    • Learning Through Internships (LTI) is an aspect of our programming that gives students the opportunity to learn in-place in the community for school credit. Building on experiences of students in grade 9, the grade 10 program will intentionally support students to form mentoring relationships (either one to one or in a group) with community partners. This programming starts slowly and builds from students’ strengths and interests, beginning with full class experiences and progressing (as students are ready) to small group or individual mentoring experiences. 

  • At the end of grade 10 a ceremony is held to congratulate students on their accomplishments and send them forward into the grade 11/12 program in a good way.BPL @ Children of the Earth Infographic-page-001.jpg

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