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Google Classroom and Remind Access Codes

February 7, 2024

Please find the Google Classroom and/or Remind codes listed per teacher below. If the class you are looking for is not listed, please check directly with the teacher.

You will find helpful information and instructions here.


Teacher:  Mme L. Anderstedt

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Science Humaines 9kqeisk5

Teacher:  Mme S. Angeles

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Mathé 8 MATF 08 (01) grm6b2x
Mathé 9 MATF 01 e5d7ogp
Mathé 10 IAPF2S sxzxmbb
Sciences 10 SCIF2F ozfl7gc

Teacher:  Ms. C. Arnold, see Ms. C. Hanson

Teacher:  M. C. Bayala

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
FILF08-01 lkn7atl
FILF08-02 7wmgtsn
SCHF08-01 3rczwfi

Teacher:  Mme G. Bento-Teves

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Gr. 9 ELAmkyuu4e 
Gr. 10 Spanishccatw3s
Histoire 11evhl6sqd
Gr. 7 ELA (01 - days 1, 3 & 5)ercmpru
Gr. 7 ELA (02 - days 4 & 6)rde2sq

Teacher:  Ms. M. Bevan (Guidance)

Course/class: code:
Gr. 10
Gr. 11
Gr. 12

Teacher:  Mr. A. Boila

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Grade 7 Physical Education (01) ohp34eh he329h 
Grade 7 Physical Education (02) wjtawbg 944cec 
Grade 8 Physical Education (01) ac3ukyw k97h79 
Grade 8 Physical Education (02) bvnwt4s a3b464e 
Grade 10 Physical Education (01) kiwhfcl 63e2c63 

Teacher:  M. C. Bonnin

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Tech 7e6kfsxe2
Tech 7e (hockey)c45k2bn
Mathés/sciences 7exb4he6f
Mathés/sciences 8ebzolrl4
Études culturelles 8e hockeyzu2wuea

Teacher:  Ms. R. Bray

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Gr. 7 Foods Day 1 Slot D&Eaav4q76
Gr. 7 Sewing Day 2 Slot D&4x2al4d
Gr. 8 Foods Day 3 Slot D&Epe7vzwg
Gr. 8 Sewing Day 4 Slot D&Ekn55st2
Gr. 9-10 Home Ec. Slot C zjr52ji
Gr. 11-12 Foods Slot By462bvj

Teacher:  Mr. A. Briol

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Gr. 10 Scienceuf32pev10sci2324
Gr. 11 Chemistry2buof6c11chem2324
Gr. 11 Biologyc3cy36n11bio2324
Gr. 12 Biologychwbhcg12bio2324

Teacher:  Ms. J. Carranza

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Essentials Math 20Sjfdby5o
Essentials Math 40Srhryser
Geography 20Fhpw67ui
Reading is Thinkingesfpniv

Teacher:  Ms. S. Chodirker (Guidance)

Course/class: code:
Gr. 7
Gr. 8
Gr. 9

Teacher:  Ms. C. Cotton

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Slot Azdadcux
Slot Busu73v5
Slot Dlxwxavi
Slot Exweqbpc

Teacher:  Ms. T. Dent

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Gr. 9/10 Foods2yupexl@637g939
Gr. 12 Family Studiespxbcorp@bg6g4fk

Teacher:  Ms. K. Friesen

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
8 - 28 (A slot)nninru3
8 - 23 (C slot)rrjjj6b
8 - Hockey Academy English jzbuqwf
8 - Hockey Academy Social Studieseglmjtk

Teacher:  Mme R. Glaveen

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
ARTF07 (01)6ppn7fr
ARTF08 (01)3l44pyf
VIAF1S (01)cmo32nb
VIAF2S (01)54pihzq
VIAF3S (01)hfkgwex
VIAF4S (01)pruazhc
VAPF3S (01)yodl7ug

Teacher:  Mr. C. Grunsten

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
7-01 Mathovkq4dl
7-01 Sciencetyw6lyz
7-02 Mathwbrlcue
7-02 Sciencehblzcox

Teacher:  Ms. C. Hanson

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Grade 7 ELA/Social Studies (B/C)4hpg5szchansonAM
Grade 7 ELA/Social Studies (D/E)n74cscdchansonPM
Grade 11 ELA 6e5ov2echanson11

Teacher:  Ms. K. Hoydalo

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
grade 7sub7ivj
grade 8xdj3bel
grade 9/10yysy6ag
indigenous artgmdgvdk

Teacher:  Ms. M. Imperadeiro

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Gr. 10 ELAhexqkow
Grade 12 ELA izfs6u5
Gr. 11 Historypnhiy5u

Teacher:  Mr. J. Karpiak

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Gr. 10 Intro to Applied & Pre-Cal3soilm6
Gr. 11 Applied Mathidanmc2
Gr. 11 Physicsmp3u676
Gr. 11/12 Computer Scienceg5ilrow

Teacher:  M. T. Keller

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Études culturelles 8 (avec Mme Peterson)o3zbv5f
Physique 30ss77lapd
Biologie 40scu3fetg
Chimie 40s7ddrx65

Teacher:  M. S. Loumi

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
FILF iwcww6g
Français 10 (2e semestre)
Géographie 10 (2e semestre)

Teacher: M. A. Masi

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Slot A - Gr. 9 ELAjnr57b5
Slot B - Gr. 10 Geographyabgxxqt
Slot D - Gr. 9 ELAr66cio7
Slot E - Gr. 12 Global Issuesdj2flaw

Teacher:  Mr. R. Medeiros

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Slot B English2esdbbb
Slot C Englishxvctdfo
Slot D Social Studies3ry5kq8
Slot E Social Studies2wqmzcv

Teacher: Mr. R. Meyer

Course/class:Google Classroom code:

Teacher:  Mr. A. North

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Gr. 9 ELAmi25yv7
Gr. 10 ELA6vblcq
Gr. 12 ELAcldq7xt

Teacher:  Mrs.S. Onofriechuk

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
A Slot Gr. 9 Mathvofqnto
B Slot Gr. 9 Mathcvnw4jp
D Slot Gr. 8 Social Studies juxph3s
E Slot Gr. 8 Social Studies k6dgrfx

Teacher:  Mr. D. Orysiuk

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Gr. 7 Math (rm 24)dzvoovd
Gr. 7 Science (rm 24)zob27nt
Gr. 8 Math (rm 17)yue5vit
Gr. 8 Science (rm 17)tsod2ee
Gr. 11 Essentials Mathqzkoxow

Teacher: Mme K. Peterson

Course/classGoogle Classroom code:
Grade 11 Pre-Calculus w5hqaek@11pcalc
Grade 12 Pre-Calculuswjpejbs@pcalc12chs
Pré-calcul 12eg3icmd4@pcalc12
AP Calculushoqn4qi@apcalccc 

Teacher:  Mr. D. Rasmussen

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Grade 7 Science jyo4bfd
Grade 7 Mathnpv5flq
Grade 9 Science (D-slot)5b2fbus
Grade 9 Science (E-slot)koay2aa
Grade 10 Sciencerqwv74g

Teacher:  Mme D. Smith

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Mathé 7e3mrh4u5
Sciences 7euj45ifd
Sciences 8ebsw3bsw
Mathé 9ewh27ywk
Sciences 9eupnrew3

Teacher:  Mx. S. Sulyma

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Gr. 7 Bandsp456na@sullybands
Gr. 8 Bandtrzj5ku
Gr. 9/10 Bandd3qlgas
Concert Bandm2shvp4
Jazz Bandljzfj5a

Teacher:  M. D. Sylvestre

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Ed Phys 7ehql7cb5
Ed Phys 8ehtjoxez
Plein air 8e2evnlu6
Ed Phys 9e7autjli
Habiletés de gestion (Life Works) 9et2pzkov
Gr. 11 Phys Edw3s4kdx
Ed Phys 11e7fntkx6
Gr. 12 Phys Eden4ygxp
Ed Phys 12eavhsnv3

Teacher:  Ms. H. Unger

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Softball Academyf4oclxbCHSA2324
Grade 9 Phys Ed3yqhgx4
Gr. 12 Psychologyakhxxv4

Teacher: Mr. M. Varnes

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
Gr. 75el424rgr7hockey
Gr. 82nsobbygrade8hoc
Gr. 9-12mzwvb2khsha2324

Teacher:  M. R. Wiens

Course/class:Google Classroom code:
8e ELA (1, 3, 5)kvd7qxz
8e ELA (2, 4, 6)dao7to6
9e ELA (1, 3, 5)e637vly
9e ELA (2, 4, 6)izfeilh
11e ELAh4hjki5
12e ELAv3dve6q
Cross Countryee475ls
Gr 10 ELAtapfbym
Reading is Thinkingoj6slob



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