Google Classroom and Remind Access Codes
February 7, 2024
Please find the Google Classroom and/or Remind codes listed per teacher below. If the class you are looking for is not listed, please check directly with the teacher.
You will find helpful information and instructions here.
Teacher: Mme L. Anderstedt | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
Science Humaines 9 | kqeisk5 | |
Teacher: Mme S. Angeles | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
Mathé 8 MATF 08 (01) | grm6b2x | |
Mathé 9 MATF 01 | e5d7ogp | |
Mathé 10 IAPF2S | sxzxmbb | |
Sciences 10 SCIF2F | ozfl7gc | |
Teacher: Ms. C. Arnold, see Ms. C. Hanson | ||
Teacher: M. C. Bayala | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
FILF08-01 | lkn7atl | |
FILF08-02 | 7wmgtsn | |
SCHF08-01 | 3rczwfi | |
SCHF08-02 | acv5khl | |
FILF1F-01 | 6qb5ehc | |
FILF1F-02 | ctog6bq | |
FRAF3S-01 | jwyzmyh | |
Teacher: Mme G. Bento-Teves | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
Gr. 9 ELA | mkyuu4e | |
Gr. 10 Spanish | ccatw3s | |
Histoire 11e | vhl6sqd | |
Gr. 7 ELA (01 - days 1, 3 & 5) | ercmpru | |
Gr. 7 ELA (02 - days 4 & 6) | rde2sq | |
Teacher: Ms. M. Bevan (Guidance) | ||
Course/class: | code: | |
Gr. 10 | @bca74c | |
Gr. 11 | @9646dh3f | |
Gr. 12 | @763hhh | |
Teacher: Mr. A. Boila | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | code: |
Grade 7 Physical Education (01) | ohp34eh | he329h |
Grade 7 Physical Education (02) | wjtawbg | 944cec |
Grade 8 Physical Education (01) | ac3ukyw | k97h79 |
Grade 8 Physical Education (02) | bvnwt4s | a3b464e |
Grade 10 Physical Education (01) | kiwhfcl | 63e2c63 |
Teacher: M. C. Bonnin | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
Tech 7e | 6kfsxe2 | |
Tech 7e (hockey) | c45k2bn | |
Mathés/sciences 7e | xb4he6f | |
Mathés/sciences 8e | bzolrl4 | |
Études culturelles 8e hockey | zu2wuea | |
Teacher: Ms. R. Bray | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
Gr. 7 Foods Day 1 Slot D&E | aav4q76 | |
Gr. 7 Sewing Day 2 Slot D& | 4x2al4d | |
Gr. 8 Foods Day 3 Slot D&E | pe7vzwg | |
Gr. 8 Sewing Day 4 Slot D&E | kn55st2 | |
Gr. 9-10 Home Ec. Slot C | zjr52ji | |
Gr. 11-12 Foods Slot B | y462bvj | |
Teacher: Mr. A. Briol | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | code: |
Gr. 10 Science | uf32pev | 10sci2324 |
Gr. 11 Chemistry | 2buof6c | 11chem2324 |
Gr. 11 Biology | c3cy36n | 11bio2324 |
Gr. 12 Biology | chwbhcg | 12bio2324 |
Teacher: Ms. J. Carranza | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
Essentials Math 20S | jfdby5o | |
Essentials Math 40S | rhryser | |
Geography 20F | hpw67ui | |
Reading is Thinking | esfpniv | |
Teacher: Ms. S. Chodirker (Guidance) | ||
Course/class: | code: | |
Gr. 7 | chodsguid7 | |
Gr. 8 | chodguid8 | |
Gr. 9 | chodsguid9 | |
Teacher: Ms. C. Cotton | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
Slot A | zdadcux | |
Slot B | usu73v5 | |
Slot D | lxwxavi | |
Slot E | xweqbpc | |
Teacher: Ms. T. Dent | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | code: |
Gr. 9/10 Foods | 2yupexl | @637g939 |
Gr. 12 Family Studies | pxbcorp | @bg6g4fk |
Teacher: Ms. K. Friesen | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
8 - 28 (A slot) | nninru3 | |
8 - 23 (C slot) | rrjjj6b | |
8 - Hockey Academy English | jzbuqwf | |
8 - Hockey Academy Social Studies | eglmjtk | |
Teacher: Mme R. Glaveen | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
ARTF07 (01) | 6ppn7fr | |
ARTF08 (01) | 3l44pyf | |
VIAF1S (01) | cmo32nb | |
VIAF2S (01) | 54pihzq | |
VIAF3S (01) | hfkgwex | |
VIAF4S (01) | pruazhc | |
VAPF3S (01) | yodl7ug | |
Teacher: Mr. C. Grunsten | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
7-01 Math | ovkq4dl | |
7-01 Science | tyw6lyz | |
7-02 Math | wbrlcue | |
7-02 Science | hblzcox | |
Teacher: Ms. C. Hanson | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | code: |
Grade 7 ELA/Social Studies (B/C) | 4hpg5sz | chansonAM |
Grade 7 ELA/Social Studies (D/E) | n74cscd | chansonPM |
Grade 11 ELA | 6e5ov2e | chanson11 |
Teacher: Ms. K. Hoydalo | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
grade 7 | sub7ivj | |
grade 8 | xdj3bel | |
grade 9/10 | yysy6ag | |
indigenous art | gmdgvdk | |
Teacher: Ms. M. Imperadeiro | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
Gr. 10 ELA | hexqkow | |
Grade 12 ELA | izfs6u5 | |
Gr. 11 History | pnhiy5u | |
Teacher: Mr. J. Karpiak | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
Gr. 10 Intro to Applied & Pre-Cal | 3soilm6 | |
Gr. 11 Applied Math | idanmc2 | |
Gr. 11 Physics | mp3u676 | |
Gr. 11/12 Computer Science | g5ilrow | |
Teacher: M. T. Keller | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
Études culturelles 8 (avec Mme Peterson) | o3zbv5f | |
Physique 30s | s77lapd | |
Biologie 40s | cu3fetg | |
Chimie 40s | 7ddrx65 | |
Teacher: M. S. Loumi | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
PHEF | wghnt2z | |
FRER | n5cfmvn | |
FILF | iwcww6g | |
SCHF | cw2lcam | |
Français 10 (2e semestre) | jfd57pb | |
Géographie 10 (2e semestre) | dzsuvzu | |
Teacher: M. A. Masi | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
Slot A - Gr. 9 ELA | jnr57b5 | |
Slot B - Gr. 10 Geography | abgxxqt | |
Slot D - Gr. 9 ELA | r66cio7 | |
Slot E - Gr. 12 Global Issues | dj2flaw | |
Teacher: Mr. R. Medeiros | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
Slot B English | 2esdbbb | |
Slot C English | xvctdfo | |
Slot D Social Studies | 3ry5kq8 | |
Slot E Social Studies | 2wqmzcv | |
Teacher: Mr. R. Meyer | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
MATR08(01) | necqtv6 | |
MATR08(02) | xojp2oq | |
SCIR08(01) | gfdve74 | |
SCIR08(02) | vyc2e5s | |
Teacher: Mr. A. North | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
Gr. 9 ELA | mi25yv7 | |
Gr. 10 ELA | 6vblcq | |
Gr. 12 ELA | cldq7xt | |
Teacher: Mrs.S. Onofriechuk | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
A Slot Gr. 9 Math | vofqnto | |
B Slot Gr. 9 Math | cvnw4jp | |
D Slot Gr. 8 Social Studies | juxph3s | |
E Slot Gr. 8 Social Studies | k6dgrfx | |
Teacher: Mr. D. Orysiuk | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
Gr. 7 Math (rm 24) | dzvoovd | |
Gr. 7 Science (rm 24) | zob27nt | |
Gr. 8 Math (rm 17) | yue5vit | |
Gr. 8 Science (rm 17) | tsod2ee | |
Gr. 11 Essentials Math | qzkoxow | |
Teacher: Mme K. Peterson | ||
Course/class | Google Classroom code: | code: |
Grade 11 Pre-Calculus | w5hqaek | @11pcalc |
Grade 12 Pre-Calculus | wjpejbs | @pcalc12chs |
Pré-calcul 12e | g3icmd4 | @pcalc12 |
AP Calculus | hoqn4qi | @apcalccc |
Teacher: Mr. D. Rasmussen | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
Grade 7 Science | jyo4bfd | |
Grade 7 Math | npv5flq | |
Grade 9 Science (D-slot) | 5b2fbus | |
Grade 9 Science (E-slot) | koay2aa | |
Grade 10 Science | rqwv74g | |
Teacher: Mme D. Smith | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
Mathé 7e | 3mrh4u5 | |
Sciences 7e | uj45ifd | |
Sciences 8e | bsw3bsw | |
Mathé 9e | wh27ywk | |
Sciences 9e | upnrew3 | |
Teacher: Mx. S. Sulyma | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | code: |
Gr. 7 Band | sp456na | @sullybands |
Gr. 8 Band | trzj5ku | |
Gr. 9/10 Band | d3qlgas | |
Concert Band | m2shvp4 | |
Jazz Band | ljzfj5a | |
Teacher: M. D. Sylvestre | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
Ed Phys 7e | hql7cb5 | |
Ed Phys 8e | htjoxez | |
Plein air 8e | 2evnlu6 | |
Ed Phys 9e | 7autjli | |
Habiletés de gestion (Life Works) 9e | t2pzkov | |
Gr. 11 Phys Ed | w3s4kdx | |
Ed Phys 11e | 7fntkx6 | |
Gr. 12 Phys Ed | en4ygxp | |
Ed Phys 12e | avhsnv3 | |
Teacher: Ms. H. Unger | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | code: |
Softball Academy | f4oclxb | CHSA2324 |
Grade 9 Phys Ed | 3yqhgx4 | |
Gr. 12 Psychology | akhxxv4 | |
Teacher: Mr. M. Varnes | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | code: |
Gr. 7 | 5el424r | gr7hockey |
Gr. 8 | 2nsobby | grade8hoc |
Gr. 9-12 | mzwvb2k | hsha2324 |
Teacher: M. R. Wiens | ||
Course/class: | Google Classroom code: | |
8e ELA (1, 3, 5) | kvd7qxz | |
8e ELA (2, 4, 6) | dao7to6 | |
9e ELA (1, 3, 5) | e637vly | |
9e ELA (2, 4, 6) | izfeilh | |
11e ELA | h4hjki5 | |
12e ELA | v3dve6q | |
Cross Country | ee475ls | |
Gr 10 ELA | tapfbym | |
Reading is Thinking | oj6slob |