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St. John's School students Make a Difference with hygiene kits

May 17, 2024
St. John's students creating hygiene packages.

On the morning of May 15, more than 70 students at St. John's High School came together to pack over 300 hygiene kits. These kits will help the people forced to leave their homes because of wars, natural calamities and other emergencies. 

A regular Grade 9 math class, guided by Ms. Bshouty, became more than numbers and equations. The math teacher explained the concept of the surface area of a rectangular prism. The scenario discussed in the classroom involved sending a relief kit in a box that could fit maximum products.  

"Students designed boxes using one sheet of paper to maximize volume while minimizing material. This practical application of math led to a conversation about sending relief kits, ultimately sparking the fundraising initiative," explained Anna Bshouty, a Grade 9 to 12 math teacher at St. John's High School. 

Students raised $1,160 through a bake sale at the school. They sold cookies, cupcakes, and coffee, raising funds in three days. 

With the funds raised, the students decided to support the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) initiative of sending Hygiene kits to displaced citizens around the world. 

"There are many wars around the world, and our Grade 9 students wanted to make an impact," said Harriet Adigue, Grade 9 student. 

"I felt helpful knowing that even the smallest act could lead to the biggest impacts."

The students’ hard work and compassion will provide essential hygiene supplies to hundreds of displaced people globally. Their actions show that anyone at any age can make a positive change in the world.

"MCC's disaster relief work includes sending in-kind items like hygiene kits, school supplies, and comforters to meet basic needs during natural disasters, wars, displacement, and poverty," said Sophia Kutsiuruba, MCC's Material Resources Engagement Coordinator. 

"It's truly inspiring that these students have not only fundraised but also assembled these kits, which will be sent to at least a dozen countries this year, making a huge difference in the lives of those in need."


The students carefully packed each item— a hand towel, toothbrush, comb, nail clippers, and soap bar — into the hand-sewn bags. These kits will help people stay clean and healthy in tough times. 

This project will not only help people in need but also highlight how much students care for others. Using their math skills and a desire to help, the students at St. John's High School showed how school projects can make a real difference in the world.


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