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Cool 2Be Kind

July 14, 2022


Clifton students and staff were thrilled to have off duty police officers introduce the Cool 2Be Kind campaign on January 27th.  They spoke about the value of being kind and promoted kindness as the way of being cool. After the presentation students received a Cool 2Be Kind “kindness” card and sticker to remind them to be kind at school, home and throughout the community. Clifton School also received a $500.00 grant from the Winnipeg Police Association to buy books on kindness for each classroom.
 We will be celebrating acts of kindness throughout February by using the concepts from the How Full is Your Bucket books written by Carol McCloud.
The idea is that we all have an invisible bucket that is filled or emptied, depending upon what others say or do to us. When our bucket is full, we feel  happy and when it is empty we feel sad. We also have an invisible dipper. When we use our dipper to fill others’ buckets by saying or doing kind things, we also fill our own buckets. The intent of this theme is to encourage kind words and actions and to promote the teaching of “Love”. 
Watch and listen for all the kind words and actions by Clifton Kids and staff, that will be highlighted this month.

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