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For Parents

November 3, 2021

Clifton School Resources for Parents & Students

Please see the link below for Resources for students. When you to to the Youtube link, you will need to click on the tab that says "Playlists". This is where you will see all of the links for our students. The playlists will be updated/added to so check back for more information. 

School Hours / Bell Times

 The morning bell rings at 8:50 a.m. so that children are ready to begin classes at 9:00 a.m.

  • Nursery/Kindergarten:           9:00 - 11:30 a.m.
  • Nursery/Kindergarten:           1:00 - 3:30 p.m.
  • Grades 1 - 6 Morning:           9:00 - 12:00 p.m.
  • Grades 1-6 Afternoon:           1:00 - 3:30 p.m.


10:30 - 10:45 am

2:30 - 2:45 pm

All children from grade one to six are expected to go outside for some exercise and fresh air during these periods. When the weather is nice, Nursery and Kindergarten children are also taken out side.

Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather conditions. Unless there are serious medical problems and a doctor’s certificate is obtained, children will not be permitted to stay inside for lengthy periods.  

School Parking Lot 

The parking lot is a very dangerous place for children and is off limits to all of our students so please use the street for this purpose. The parking lot is “assigned parking only at all times”. Thank you for your cooperation.

Traffic Congestion

Please obey the traffic signs and only park in designated areas and only at the designated times.  If you drive your child, we suggest parking a block away and walk your child to and from school.

Attendance/Safe Arrival

Clifton School uses the Safe Arrival program for students from Kindergarten to Grade 6. The purpose of this program is to ensure that both the school and the home know where our children are at all times.

Click here for instructions on registering and using the Safe Arrival System.

SafeArrival Instructions for Parents.pdf

Attendance and Punctuality

Student achievement is directly related to attendance and punctuality. Clifton is a place of learning. Everyone needs to come prepared to work. This includes arriving every day, on time, with the materials required.  Prolonged, unexplained absences are followed up in a variety of ways, which may include telephone calls, home visits, letters, and the involvement of an attendance officer.


School announcements are read each morning after the singing of O'Canada. Additional announcements will be made over the P.A. only in special circumstances as we do not wish to interrupt student learning.

Crisis Plan

A detailed Crisis/Emergency Response Plan is in place at Clifton School. This plan includes the roles of the principal, staff, and crisis intervention personnel in the event of an emergency and procedures for: 

  • Controlling visitor access to the school site
  • Communicating inside and outside the school building in an emergency
  • Contacting students’ parents or guardians in an emergency
  • Responding to the threat posed by a person having a weapon on the school site
  • Dealing with bomb threats, fires, chemical spills and weather-related emergencies
  • Evacuating school buildings and carrying out practice drills

Throughout the school year there will be planned practice fire drills, evacuations, school hold and secure & school lockdowns. This plan is reviewed annually.

Emergency School Closure

In the event that it is necessary to close school due to severe weather conditions, announcements will be broadcasted over the following radio stations:
  • CBC – AM/FM
  • CKRC and CKWG - FM
  • CFRW and Q94 - FM
  • CKY and CITI - FM
  • CJOB and CHMM - FM

Emergency Evacuation 

It is very rare that schools must evacuate their students due to an emergency.  However, in a situation where the evacuation of the building is necessary, alternative accommodations will be provided at Prince Charles Resource Education Centre located at 1075 Wellington Avennue. Sargent Park School located at 1070 Dominion Street Avenue will also provide accommodation if needed.  Children will be expected to walk to both locations under staff supervision.

Communication Plan

Parents will be informed by telephone if possible. The are requested to meet their children at the evacuation site to be signed out by a staff member.

Field Trips

Field trips are offered throughout the school year. These outings relate to the curriculum, provide educational experiences and offer opportunities for students to develop social skills through interactions with their classmates and teachers. 

Fire Alarms

Ringing of the fire bell indicates a fire or a fire drill. Students, staff, and visitors MUST leave the building. The school has a comprehensive fire plan, which outlines all procedures.

Head Lice

Clifton School follows the Winnipeg School Division’s policy for dealing with head lice. Information with regards to head lice is posted in the School Newsletter throughout the year.

Manitoba Public Health Information

Homework Policy


Children from Nursery to Grade 3 may be assigned homework. Work may be sent home for children when they have been absent from school. Periodically, work which has not been completed at school is sent home, if a child has not applied himself/herself during school hours. We strongly encourage all children to read daily at home and we may also assign some home math activities. On occasion, parents help children with work to be done at home to strengthen skills. This homework is undertaken only after consultation between parents and their child’s teacher. A strong partnership between home and school is important for a child's education.


Homework is assigned at the Intermediate level using the following process:

1) Long term assignments which are to be completed over a period of time, so that students learn how to schedule their time and give some thought to their priorities.

2) Assignments of daily work which have not been completed during class time, or as preparation for the next day’s class; and/or

3) Homework which has been given to children when they have been absent from school.

4) We encourage all students to read at home daily.

Inclement Weather

When weather is inclement due to conditions such as severe cold (approximately -28 degrees Celsius with the wind chill ) or rainstorms, children remain indoors at recess time. Children may enter at the main entrance only on Green Card Days. Green Cards are placed on the doors to indicate when children are allowed to stay in the school building. It would be particularly helpful if children did not arrive too early on these days. 

Lost and Found

Please label your child's clothing, backpacks, etc. with your child's name. Check the lost and found bin on a regular basis. All unclaimed items are donated to a local charity throughout the year.

Money, Valuables, or Toys

Students should not bring to school any toys, valuables or money beyond what is needed for a special event. The school is not responsible for loss or theft of any such items.

Picking Up Students / Dropping Off Lunches

In order to minimize disruptions to student learning we ask that parents report to the office when picking up children or dropping off lunches. We also ask that you remain in the main lobby area at dismissal times so that teachers can dismiss their classes without disruptions. Thank you for your cooperation.

Permission to take Photographs and/or Conduct an Interview

During the school year, special occasions may arise when your child(ren) are photographed or interviewed by the media or the Winnipeg School Division. The Protection of Privacy provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act protect personal information about the student(s). These pictures may be posted in all bulletin board displays at the school, used in Our Schools (the Winnipeg School Division newspaper), or published in the community or local newspapers. Student work, films and videos are published on the Internet. This means that personal information is never given out to media or for use in school division publications without your knowledge and permission. Consent forms are renewed annually.

Telephone Use and Messages

We ask that parents/guardians make arrangements for after school child care, pick up, after school activities, etc., with their children before school starts and not during the school day, unless, of course, there is an emergency situation. Students will not be allowed to use the telephone to make after school play arrangements. 


All visitors coming into the school must sign in at the office. We ask that parents/guardians report to the office and have their child called to the office in order to ensure student safety and reduce classroom disruptions.

Parents/guardians are requested to use the sign-out procedure in the office, when picking their child up from the school during school hours.

safety sign.jpg

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