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Senior High

February 4, 2021


Grade 9 (ENGR1F)

Students will develop language and communication skills using the six language arts described in the provincial curriculum:  reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, and representing. The course will be divided into thematic units, including the Winnipeg School Division’s human rights unit focusing on the Holocaust. Each unit will focus on a particular form of writing and/or visual representation of ideas. Two to three classes per cycle are allocated to independent reading using the CAFÉ literacy model. This model focuses on the use of reading strategies to decode text and strengthen reading comprehension. Students select their own texts for this portion of the course. Students will have abundant opportunities to pursue self-directed learning, express themselves creatively, and develop their own assignment criteria.


Grade 10 (ENGR2F)

This course prepares students to read, write, listen, speak, view and represent texts, ideas and opinions.  At the end of the course, students will be adept at managing ideas and information.  Moreover, they will have developed clear and artistic communication skills and a critical awareness of themselves as individuals within a community.  Students will experience a wide variety of print and non-print materials.  This course addresses both the practical and artistic sides of communication.  Student assessment includes essays, group and individual projects, portfolios, oral presentations, journals and tests. 



English Language Arts Comprehensive Focus (ENGC3S)

This course prepares students to read, write, listen, speak, view and represent texts, ideas and options.  At the end of the course, students will be adept at managing ideas and information.  Moreover, they will have developed clear and artistic communication skills and a critical awareness of themselves as individuals within a community.  Students will experience a wide variety of print and non-print materials.  This course addresses both the practical and artistic sides of communication.  Student assessment includes essays, group and individual projects, portfolios, oral presentations, journals and tests.


English Language Arts Transactional Focus (ENGT3S)

Students learn a range of knowledge, skills and strategies, and attitudes that help them function more effectively in various communities, from the classroom to the global community.  This course addresses a variety of informal and formal discourse ranging from notes, telephone calls, and oral discussions to reports, feature articles, formal presentations, business letters, and documentaries.



English Language Arts Comprehensive Focus (ENGC4S)

This course prepares students to read, write, listen, speak, view and represent texts, ideas and opinions.  At the end of the course, students will be adept at managing ideas and information.  Moreover, they will have developed clear and artistic communication skills and a critical awareness of themselves as individuals within a community.  Students will experience a wide variety of print and non-print materials.  This course addresses both the practical and artistic sides of communication.  Student assessment includes essays, group and individual projects, portfolios, oral presentations, journals and tests.  Seventy percent of the marks allotted are for work completed during the course, the remaining thirty percent will result from a final provincial standards exam.

English Language Arts Literary Elective(ENGL4S)

This course focuses on a study of language and literary forms.  Novels, plays, poetry and short stories are studied.  Both individual and group projects are used to explore these literary genres.

English Language Arts Transactional Elective (ENGT4S)

The Grade 12 English Transactional course “emphasizes the pragmatic uses of language: language that informs, directs, persuades, plans, analyzes, argues, and explains”. Students will develop knowledge of and skill in their use of the language arts through listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representing.




Grade 9  (PHER1F)

The physical education program is offered throughout a six-day school calendar and promotes physical activity and healthy lifestyles for all students.  The program in both subject areas is integrated and organized within five general learning outcomes.  The learning outcomes are movement, fitness management, safety, personal and social management and healthy lifestyle practices.  The Physical Education Department recognizes that all students learn in different ways, at different rates and to different capacities.


Grade 10  (PHER2F)

This course is offered in both semesters and is scheduled every day (66 minutes) of the six-day school cycle.  In this program the students have the opportunity to select activity units from a wide variety of options.  Students will also complete the Health component which covers topics such as disease prevention, CPR, goal setting, psychological well-being through stress-management, nutrition, and a review of Family Life.


Grade 11 and 12 (PHER3F) (PHER4F)

Students will engage in this course every day (66 minutes) of the six-day school cycle. These compulsory full credit courses are designed to help students take greater ownership of their own physical fitness, to encourage them to seek out activities that interest them, and to engage in active lifestyles into their futures.  The focus of these courses will be on health and personal planning where students will study topics related to fitness management, mental health, substance use and abuse prevention, and the social impact of sport.  These courses will have both an in-class component and out of class element that will be implemented by the student.  Students will be required to develop and implement a Personal Physical Activity Plan as part of the physical activity practicum.  Students will be introduced to safety and risk management planning to minimize the associated risks of the activities they have chosen.

As part of earning credits for these courses, students will be required to submit a personal fitness portfolio containing a Personal Physical Activity Plan, physical activity log, and journal entries.  Students will be graded for completion of the course with a Complete or Incomplete designation.



Grade 9  (MATR1F)

This is the foundation mathematics course for all mathematics courses that follow.  There are nine units to study to set the foundation for the mathematics courses in GRADE 10 – GRADE 12.  Students are expected to attend regularly, complete assignments daily, and come in for extra help to get necessary explanations as needed.  Assessment will include mental math, quizzes, tests, homework checks and daily activities, and a final exam.

Essential Mathematics


Grades 10, 11, 12 (ESMR2S) (ESMR3S) (ESMR4S)

The Essential Mathematics program is intended to provide the student with mathematical fundamentals that are encountered in daily life. The central focus is the development in valuing math skills, gaining confidence in applying and communicating these abilities as well as solving problems that they may experience. Assessment may include any/all of homework checks, quizzes, tests, projects, and final exams.


Applied Mathematics


Grade 10 EAL Intro to Applied/Pre-Calculus Mathematics (IAPR2E)

This course is designed to prepare students for the regular Introduction to Applied/Pre-Calculus 20S (IAPR2S). This course will address fundamental mathematical concepts such as operations with integers and rational numbers, exponential laws, unit conversions, manipulation of algebraic expressions and solving equations, trigonometry and operations of polynomials. Additional advanced topics might be added, time permitting. The final grade is based on homework assignments, quizzes, tests and a final exam.


Grade 10 Intro to Applied/ Pre-Calculus Mathematics (IAPR2S)

This course is intended for students considering post-secondary studies that require a math pre-requisite. It promotes and strengthens logical reasoning skills and critical thinking using standard algorithms. This course will address topics such as measurement, algebra and number, and relations and functions. The final grade is based on homework assignments, quizzes, tests and a final exam.


Grades 11, 12 (APMR3S) (APMR4S)

Applied Mathematics is designed to give students the foundations required to tackle a wide variety of challenges encountered in business and industry.  Students will be using theoretical math and technology to solve theoretical and mostly real-world problems. This course will address topics such as set theory and logic, counting methods, probability, polynomial, exponential and sinusoidal functions, financial mathematics: borrowing and investing money, design and measurement and research projects. The final grade is based on homework assignments, quizzes, tests and a final exam. A graphing calculator is required for this course.  GRADE 12 Provincial Final Exam is 30% of the final mark.


Pre-Calculus Mathematics


Grade 11 (PCMR3S)

Pre-Calculus is designed for students who intend to have a strong foundation in mathematics. The course will cover topics as sequences and series, trigonometry, quadratic functions and equations, radicals, and systems of equations and inequalities. The final grade is based on homework assignments, quizzes, tests and a final exam.


Grade 12 (PCMR4S)

Pre-Calculus Mathematics is designed for students who plan to study Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering and related mathematics as part of their post-secondary education. This course emphasizes an advanced level of study of logical reasoning, critical thinking and theoretical mathematics using the standard algorithms. Topics in this course are transformations and functions, unit circle and trigonometric identities, exponential and logarithmic functions and equations, rational functions and equations, operations on functions, and permutation and combination. The final grade is based on homework assignments, quizzes, tests and a final exam. A  Provincial Final Exam is 30% of the final grade.



Grade 9

Science (ScIR1F)

The title for this course is “Canada Today”.  It provides a variety of topics to inform students about Canada.  The exercises and activities are designed to involve students in Canada’s past, present and future.  Some of the specific topics are: The Canadian Identity, French/English Relations, A Diverse Land, You and the Economy, You and your Government, You and the Law, Canada and War, Canada and Peace and Canada and the Global Community.  Assessment includes discussions, oral presentations, individual and group activities, research projects, quizzes, tests and mid and final exams.


Native Studies (NASY1G)

This course will provide students a glimpse of First Nations’ perspectives throughout Canada. The students will develop an understanding of First Nations’ people by taking a look a the history of Canada before and after European contact, as well as delving into the milieu of cultural practices throughout the Canadian/First Nations’ landscape. It is  the goal of this course to help students understand Aboriginal people’s diversity and their social, economic and political systems from pre-contact to contemporary times. Basic Cree language instruction will also be a part of the course. Assessment will be based on individual and group assignments, as well as projects using best practices.

Grade 10 

Geography (GEOR2F)

The focus of study would be the North American geography.  The physical regions of North America which include landforms, climate, soil, vegetation, and population patterns will be examined, as well as, environmental issues and concerns of each of the physiographic region.


Native Studies (NASY2G) 

This course offers an overview to the heritage of Manitoba Aboriginal Peoples through the study of language, history and the arts.  Students will be given opportunities to learn through group or classroom settings with self-initiated and teacher assigned projects over the course of the semester.  People and resources from within the city and community will be an important component in the delivery of this course.  Students will participate in field trips.  Student progress will be assessed throughout the course. Evaluation will be based on tests, projects, group and class work and student participation.


Grade 11

History (HISR3F)

This course deals with the social and political aspects of Canadian History, with a relation to our current situation in Canada. Topics include:

1.            First Peoples and New France

2.            British North America

3.            Becoming a Sovereign Nation

4.            Achievements and Challenges

5.            Defining Contemporary Canada

Curriculum documents and information can be found at


Grade 12

World Issues (WOIR4S)- Optional course

The purpose of this class is to allow students to become aware of some of the challenges in a prepared, thoughtful manner. Topics include:

1.            Media Studies

2.            Globalization and Economics

3.            Human Rights

4.            Environmentalism

5.            “ ’isms, ‘ocracies, and other ways we organize ourselves”.

Curriculum documents and information can be found at

Current Topics in First Nations, Metis and Inuit Studies (ABSR4S)

This course focuses on current issues that affect all Canadians, specifically related to the First Nation, Metis, and Inuit peoples. Topics may include:

1.            Image and Identity

2.            First Nation, Metis, Inuit People and Government

3.            Social Justice Issues

4.            Indigenous Peoples and the World

5.            Image and Identity II

Curriculum documents and information can be found at


Psychology (PSYR4S)

Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. Studying psychology at the high school level allows students to enhance their ability to be proactive, to problem solve, and to foster healthy and nurturing relationships. It helps students better understand themselves and their behaviours, and deal with issues in their own lives. Topics of study include Introduction and Research Methods, Biopsychology, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Variations in Individual and Group Behaviour.



Grade 9  (SCIR1F)

This course is a pre-requisite for all grade 10 science courses. It is a general course with equal time allotted to the four disciplines. Ongoing classroom participation and completion of class and homework assignments are critical for success. The four disciplines are:  The Power of Reproduction, Electricity, Atoms and Elements, and Exploration of the Universe. The final mark is based on daily assignments, experiments, quizzes, tests and a final exam. Homework is also incorporated into the student mark. Regular attendance is crucial for success.


Grade 10  (SCIR2F)

This course introduces students to four areas of the GRADE 10 Science curriculum including physics, weather dynamics, ecology, and chemistry.  This course gives the students an idea about what area of science they want to specialize in the grade 11.


Grade 11 

Biology (BIOR3S)

This course introduces the student of human anatomy and physiology. It is divided into six units:  Wellness and Homeostasis, Digestion and Nutrition, Transportation and Respiration, Excretion and Wate Management, Protection and Control and, finally, Homeostatic change.


Chemistry (CHER3S) 

This course introduces the students to qualitative as well as quantitative analysis of the chemical reactions.  Students are also expected to conduct experiments to test and examine the individual concepts in the chemistry 30S curriculum as outlined in the course description.  This course is a pre-requisite for the chemistry 40S course.


Physics  (PHYR3S)

This is a rigorous course recommended for students interested in a solid science background.  Topics included are Introduction to physics, Mechanics, Fields and Waves.  Students will acquire an understanding of the important ideas and frameworks of the field through inquiry, discussion and experiment.  Science 20F and Pre-calculus Mathematics 20S are pre-requisites for this course.  Assessment is through laboratory work, projects, assignments and tests.


Grade 12

Biology (BIOR4S)

Biology 40S builds on many of the concepts studied in Biology 30S, but covers a much broader range of topics. The course includes molecular biology, genetics and the taxonomic relationships between the various life forms on our planet.


Chemistry (CHER4S)

This course introduces the student to the study and practice of analytical skills found in chemistry. The course focuses on topics involving mathematical relationships and their application to chemical reactions in both the macro- and micro- scale. This course is required for AP Chemistry (CHEP4S)


Physics (PHYR4S)

This course is a natural follow-up to Physics 30S.  Topics included are Mechanics, Fields, Electricity and Medical Physics.  The course presents the relevant knowledge and rigorous mathematical treatment of the concepts along with an emphasis on development of critical thinking skills.  Assessment is through laboratory work, projects, assignments and tests.


AP Science Courses  (CHEP4S), (PHYP4S), (BIOP4S)

The Science Department is prepared to offer Chemistry, Physics and Biology at the Advanced Placement Level.  Courses at this level are equivalent to first year university.  If students achieve a high enough standing on their Advanced Placement exams they can receive a university credit.  Many students that enrol in these courses enjoy the challenge and early preparation for university.


(English as an Additional Language)

These courses are specifically designed to meet the needs of students whose first language is not English.  Most students have been in Canada less than three years.  Students are assessed upon arrival and progress through the EAL program at the pace that is most beneficial for each student.

Literacy Centre (LALRIF)

LALR1F is the credit designation given to students with little or no literacy in their first language and qualify for the Literacy Centre (1 of many Winnipeg School Centres).  The primary mandate of the Literacy Centre is to foster the four main strands of language learning (reading, writing, listening and speaking) through interactive themes.  Students are assessed as to their level of ability and they are planned for accordingly.  A visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, tactile approach to learning is implemented.  The premise is to equip the students from war affected countries that have little or no formal academic skills in their home languages with sufficient skills to progress to the EAL beginner level. 


Numeracy  (NUMY1G)

Mathematics is also a focus of the EAL program.  Students arrive at the centre with somewhat limited ability in math skills.  Through extensive use of visual aids/hands on experiences, students progress through the mathematics continuum at their own pace. In the Numeracy class students are taught the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division through hands on experiences.  These are necessary for the students to learn as these skills are required to do problem solving in everyday life.

Basic Beginner (ENBU1G) Beginner (ENBU2G)

Beginners have little or no knowledge of English, their spoken English is difficult to understand and they have limited understanding of their new environment.  Beginner courses vary with the needs of the students, but all instruction and activities focus on integrating grammar and structure into a meaningful way. Listening and speaking skills are also taught for meaning.  Beginner level materials rely heavily on visuals and vocabulary.  Students are tested on short units of work.  At this level effort, attendance and improvement weigh heavily in terms of marks.  


Intermediate EAL (ENIU3G)

Intermediate level students have a basic knowledge of English vocabulary and have some experience in the recognition and use of simple English structures but still cannot manipulate these structures to the extent of mastery.  The selection of Intermediate materials and activities need to be constantly reviewed to determine understanding of structures and to introduce new ones.  Students are tested on units of work to assess understanding and for diagnosis.  Marks are assigned on the basis of unit tests, daily work and unit assignments. 


Advanced EAL (ENAU4G)
Students in this course have a working knowledge of basic English structures and grammar. Students are usually able to cope in regular sections in most classes that are not language based. At this level students are required to read academic style articles; answer higher level thinking questions using appropriate structures; practice speaking through role playing, group work, presentations and projects.  Marks are assigned on the basis of unit tests, assignments and projects completed.


EAL English (ENGR1E), (ENGR2E), (ENGC3E), (ENGC4E)

Courses with an E designation follow Department of Education guidelines and have been modified for second language learners. They fulfill the compulsory requirements for graduation.

Novels, short stories and support texts are used at different levels. The focus is on developing reading skills, study of themes appropriate to the group, and examination of literary devices.  Evaluation is based on completion of units of study, responses, research papers (themes or authors), projects and quizzes. Class time will focus on reading and writing.


English for Academic Success (EALR4S)

This English course is specifically designed to enable students to advance their skills in interpreting and comprehending content area reading and writing using the following strands: listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and representing. Students will interact and communicate with curriculum drawn from Science, Social Studies, Business Education, and Mathematics. This is an excellent course for students who want to pursue Grade 12 English Composition or EAL students preparing to graduate.


EAL Science 20E   (SCIR2E)

This course is designed to provide experiences to an EAL learner of any level. There is flexibility in the program and topics may include: motion & energy (physics), properties & interactions between matter (chemistry), the cell and body systems (biology), and weather dynamics. Other topics may be studied in this program. Students will be given opportunities for practical experiences in the sciences. Assessment will mainly be in the form of assignments, projects, quizzes and lab work.


EAL Math  (MATR1E), (ESMR2E), (IAPR2E)

The focus is on integrating math and related language skills with emphasis on basic arithmetic skills and problem solving.  Individualized instruction is emphasized and re-enforced on a regular basis with individualized computer lessons and small group work.


EAL Geography (GEOR2E)

The course is a study of the geography of Canada and its regions, with an emphasis on the Prairies, Manitoba and Winnipeg.  Topics of study focus on geography skills and language development through reading, writing, mapping, graphing and the use visual materials, hands-on activities and field trips.


EAL History  (HISR3E)

Topics include a brief overview of pre-confederation Canada, Native peoples of Canada, pre-European contact, explorers, New France, and British-French conflict and a more detailed study of Confederation to present time.  The aim of the course is to prepare students for citizenship as well as to develop skills in organized paragraph writing, research and study skills.




Art, Grade 9 (ARHR1G) 0.5 credit 3 classes per rotation for the semester 1 or 2

A series of units are explored with specific projects in a variety of areas including drawing, painting, ceramics and design, along with an integrated art history component. Evaluation is based on specific and general outcomes. Marks are derived through the attainment of these outcomes through self-evaluation, discussion, tests, sketchbook work, and project work.


Art, Grades 10, 11, 12 (ARTR2G), (ARTR3S), (ARTR4S) 1.0 credit each

All units are taught in a sequential manner and begin with exercises introducing the student to the techniques and concepts behind the assignment.  Units may include:  idea development, thematic work using drawing, painting (acrylic and watercolour), ceramics (pottery and sculpture), sculpture (various media) and design.  Art history is brought in its relationship to each unit.


Choir, Grades 9, 10, 11, 12  (CHOR1G), (CHOR2G), (CHOR3S), (CHOR4S)

The Senior Choir is open to all students from GRADE 9 to GRADE 12.  In the programme students will be taught the principles of choral singing and the fundamentals necessary for reading music.  The course is a study of choral repertoire from a wide selection of periods and styles of music.  As performance plays a very important in the programme, students are expected to attend at all times.  Assessment is based upon vocal testing, self-evaluation, skill demonstration and student reflection on audience experiences.


Vocal Jazz, Grades 9, 10, 11,12   (VOJR1G), (VOJR2G), (VOJR3S), (VOJR4S)

This class is open to students by audition only and students accepted must also be in Choral Grade 9, 10, 11, 12.  Students in the Vocal Jazz Choir will explore and practice the different techniques required for performing the large quantity of repertoire they will learn.  The music studied will be in a variety of styles including jazz, popular and contemporary. This group is very performance-orientated and requires much dedication from the student members.  Assessment is based on vocal testing, self-evaluation and attendance.


Band, Grades 9, 10, 11, 12  (BANR1G), (BANR2G), (BANR3S), (BANR4S)

Gordon Bell’s Band program is designed to give the student a musical experience based on practical instrumental applications, theory and historical studies.  Through direct instruction, student led musical explorations and Band performance the musicians in the Gordon Bell Instrumental Music program gain valuable experience and self-confidence that will both enhance their time at Gordon Bell and create in the student a healthy self-discipline and work ethic.  Assessment is attained through performance preparedness, (practice records) playing tests and periodic theory exams.


Dance 9  (DANCY1G)

Students are introduced to dance through the exploration of a variety of dance styles. Focus is on the introduction of dance styles and beginning to understand choreography.


Dance, Grade 10,11,12  (DANCY2G), (DANCY3G), (DANCY4G)

Students continue the exploration of dance through a deeper study of the various dance styles.  Focus is on technique and performance quality.  Performance is an important part of dance and students are expected to take part in concerts through the year. 


Drama, Grade 9 (DMAR1G)

The drama program concerns itself with the personal development of the student physically, emotionally, intellectually, and culturally. This course will introduce students to basic dramatic skills but will mainly focus on students learning how to express themselves. Students will spend time working together as a group, learning to trust one another and take risks while developing basic improvisation and mime skills.


Drama, Grades 10,11,12  (DMAR2G), (DMAR3S), (DMAR4S) NOT RECEIVED

Through the use of mime, improvisation, playscripts, and the academic study of the history of the theatre, we prepare the students for the knowledge of and experience in, Dramatic Arts.  The course has an emphasis on scriptwork using both acting and directing.


Music, Grades 10, 11, 12   (BANR2G), (MUKY3G), (BANR4S)

Through this course, students will be exposed to a variety of aspects of music, mainly music history, music theory, drumming and percussion, guitar, keyboarding and technical music production in the mac lab.  Through this study, students will learn about many cultures that make up world music traditions.  Students will also learn about themselves and the limits of their physical control and spiritual expression through music making. 

This course will be divided into sections and students will be encouraged to explore their individual musicianship through each musical medium. Although there are patterns of style and traditions in all music, which lead to such things as written notation or instrument development, there are really no hard and fast rules of music or any black and white lines around it.  The real beauty of music is that you can make it anything you want it to be...but it’s a real good idea to learn some of the established guidelines, and traditions that have been developed and handed down over the centuries.


Native Studies, Grade 9  (NASY1G) 

Grade 9 Native Studies will provide students meaningful and relevant experiences regarding Aboriginal perspectives.  The students will develop an understanding of the history of Manitoba and Canada before and after European contact.  It is the goal of this course to help students understand Aboriginal people’s diversity and their social, economic and political systems from traditional to contemporary times. Students will also develop an understanding of Aboriginal cultural through various events such as guest speakers, field trips and projects. The course will emphasize student inquiry and discovery. Basic Cree language instruction will be part of the course. Assessment will be based on group and individual assignments and projects using best practices.


French, Grade 9  (FRER1G)

Students learn a basic level of communication.  They learn how to order a meal or read a newspaper in the French language.  Students will also acquire the necessary skills in oral and written projects.  Units of study will be based from themes derived from the teacher and students.


French, Grade 10  (FRER2G)

The students on this course continue to learn a basic level of communication.  Participants are involved in a variety of activities and learn the language through themes such as international travel and cuisine.  Students study the cultural components by looking at some Canadian communities with a focus on their festivals and artists.


French, Grade 11  (FRER3S)

The focus of this course is the intermediate level of communication where students learn to discuss, debate and communicate while studying topics such as a means of artistic expression, international travel and work opportunities.  Students will study Francophone cultures of the world and begin to look at literature.


French, Grade12  (FRER4S)

The students in this course will reach a level of functional communication and to prepare them for further language acquisition outside the classroom.  Students will study about careers, the media and electronic communication.  More emphasis is placed with literature at this stage. 



Business Education is a cluster of courses that has been developed to promote the acquisition of life skills.  Students who register for Business Education courses will learn valuable skills that can be used in both personal and professional areas of their lives.  With the advancement of technology, it is essential that all students learn proper keyboarding techniques and basic computer operation procedures.  By choosing a cluster of Business Education courses students will equip themselves with skills that can be used today and tomorrow; in educational or work environments and for personal enjoyment.


Digital Filmmaking 25S, Grade 10  (DFHR2S)

Digital Pictures, Grade 10  (DIHR2S)

These two half courses will be combined to give students one full credit.  The purpose of this course is to provide students with the skills and knowledge to convey a message through an original still image and then to take these images and tell stories by combining sound, still images, moving images, text, graphics and animation … all in a video project.

2-D Animation 35S, Grade 11  (ANHR3S)

3-D Modeling 35S, Grade 11  (MOHR3S)

These two half courses will be combined to give students one full credit.  2-D animation will provide students with the skills and knowledge to create two-dimensional animations by creating animation storyboards, frame rate for movement, morphing and distorting of images.  3-D Modeling will provide the students with the skills and knowledge to use software to create three-dimensional models that represent real objects or illustrate ideas.


Accounting Principles 30S, Grade 11  (ACPR3S)

This course has been developed to give students employable skills.  Students will learn the basic concepts of accounting and will learn how to apply these concepts to entry level positions and everyday life.  The complete accounting cycle will be introduced and studied as well as acceptable principles for further studies in accounting.


Accounting Systems 40S, Grade 12  (ACSR4S)

This course is a continuation of Accounting 30S with the added component of computerized accounting.  Students will learn the most current accounting software package and apply previous understanding of accounting to real-life situations.


Law 40S, Grade 12  (LAWR4S)

This course has been developed to provide an introduction to the principles, practices and consequences of law.  This course is valuable for preparing for university or vocational education.  It provides a basic understanding of the legal system and its impact on society.  Units will include the study of how laws are made, rights and freedoms, criminal law, tort law, family law and contract law.


Aboriginal Youth Entrepreneurship Project

The entrepreneurship program focuses on giving Aboriginal students the skills and knowledge necessary to explore small business ideas.  A component of the course will also be connecting students with mentors in the local business community.  The course will then be a prerequisite for a grade 12 course the following school year which will invite students to turn their business ideas into real businesses.  This program is funded by the “Martin Aboriginal Education Initiative”.



Grade 9 Applying Information Technology and Communication 1 and 2 (NEED COURSE #)

The purpose of Applying Information Technology and Communication 1 is to enable students to reinforce and extend the ICT skills they began developing in their early and middle years classes. The skills they practice in this course will further prepare students to use ICT in their current and future classes. ICT 1 and 2 focus on organizing and categorizing information using tales, charts, etc., keyboarding, media literacy, online ethics, and critical analysis of online information.


Graphic Arts, Grade 9  (GRAR1G)

This course covers several graphics topics through the use of projects in multi-coloured T-Shirt screen-printing, airbrushing, digital photography, computer graphics, mechanical technical drawing, and introductory architectural drawing.


Graphic Arts,  Grade 10  (GRAR2G)

This course covers several graphics arts through the use of projects.  Areas of in-depth study include graphic design, airbrushing, screen-printing, photography, computer graphics, architectural drawing, and mechanical drawing.


Graphic Arts, Grade 11  (GRAR3G)

Graphics at the Grade 11 level is designed to challenge students by studying five areas of graphics: screen printing, photography (digital and black and white), computer graphics, airbrushing, and architectural drawing.


Graphics Arts, Grade 12 (GRAR4G)

This course allows students to pursue areas of interest in graphics. Studies in screen-printing and airbrushing are emphasized. Specifically, photography (digital and black and white) and computer graphics will be employed to create photo realistic screen-prints. The airbrush will also be discussed at an in-depth level.


Family Studies, Grades 9 to 12

Family Studies explores the importance of the family to individual members and society as a whole. Each course has some common concepts:  communication, conflict resolution, functions of the family, self-esteem, values, and decision-making.


Family Studies, Grade 9  (FASR15F)

This course explores the following topics:  Family Relationships, Human Development, Caregiving through the Life Cycle, Individual Relationships and Communication, Personal Decisions and Community Connections, and Diversity in Society. The focus in these areas will be the Family Life Cycle, Adolescent Development, Self and Basic Needs, Friendship, Personal Development, and Personal Differences. Marks will be awarded based on individual assignments, group assignments, discussions, and community involvement.


Family Studies, Grade 10 (FASR2F)

This course focuses on early years. Students will learn about development from the prenatal stage to infants, toddlers, and pre-school age children. One component of this class is taking home the infant simulator, to give students an experience of the demands of a newborn infant. Evaluation will be based on assignments, activities, tests, and projects.


Family Studies, Grade 12 (FASR4S)

The grade 12 course is a study of the life cycle from adolescence, dating, marriage, divorce, common law relationships, to aging and death.  The units of study are issues of the Canadian Family, Adolescents, Relationships, and Aging.  Each unit will have a project and a test.  Grading will be based on individual and group assignments, class activities, and tests. 


Clothing, Grade 9 (CHDR15G)

Students will learn to improve their sewing skills through several projects using a pattern.  Projects include stuffed animals, a backpack, and projects that students choose.  Although this is primarily a practical course, there is also theory about textiles and clothing care.


Clothing, Grade 10 (CHDR20G)

This course provides students with an opportunity to learn independent sewing skills, using sewing machines and sergers.   Students will construct assigned projects, then individual projects according to their skills and interests.  Although it is also a mainly practical course, there will be theory on fabric selection, pattern instructions, and design. 


Clothing, Grade 11 and 12 (CHDR30G, CHDR40S)

Students join this class with a variety of skill levels, but all are welcome.  Students will complete three assigned projects, and then will work individually on projects they select, using sewing machines and sergers.   Students will learn basic and advanced sewing skills and construct a portfolio showing their work.   Although it is also a mainly practical course, there will be theory on fabric selection, pattern instructions, and design. 


Food Studies, Grade 9  (FNHR1G)

This 0.5 credit course is a continuation of developing confidence in the kitchen. It will contain practical information on the preparation of foods to make cooking enjoyale, easy, and successful. Topics include kitchen safety, cleanliness, prevention of food-borne illness, and proper measurement techniques in food preparation, time-management skills, reading and following recipes accurately, nutrients and proper nutirition, meal planning and special diets. Evaluation will focus equally on theory and practical application (cooking).


Food Studies, Grade 10  (FNHR2G)

This course is an introduction to basic techniques of food preparation and knowledge of nutrition. Topic included in this 1.0 credi course include a more in-depth look at the Canada Food Guide, Convenience Foods, Food Labels, Genetically-Modified Foods, Personal Hunger and Lifestyles and how they affect food choices. This enables students to make informed decisions in planning, cooking and serving food for the individual and the family. Students experience basic cooking skills from cookies to quickbreads, salads and soups, and simple entrees. Evaluation will focus equally on theory and practical application (cooking).


Food Studies, Grade 11 (FNHR3G)

This course is where students are challenged to try more advanced techniques in food preparation and presentation. Topics included in this 1.0 credit course include an in-depth look at personal use of Canada’s Food Guide, Convenience Foods, Food Labels, Genetically-Modified  Organic Foods, Lifecycle and Meal Planning, and Consumerism. Aspects of healthy eating, budgeting and timing are taught as students prepare meals suitable for individuals and family. A wide variety of topics are covered including advanced yeast breads, cookie decorating, pasta, and others, depending on interest. There are also several labs using different cuts of meat. Vegetarian options will be available. Evaluation will focus equally on theory and practical application (cooking).


Food Studies, Grade 12 (FNHR4G)

This course continues to expand students’ culinary skills as they learn about foods and cultures from around the world, as well as family favourite recipes. While learning about different cultures and how people eat, students are using new cooking techniques and new presentations to add to their growing repertoire of cooking skills. Topics covered include knife skills, hygiene, health concerns, meal planning, consumerism, grocery shopping skills and budgeting. Career opportunities will be explored as students prepare for the next stage of their lives. Evaluation will focus equally on theory and practical application (cooking).




Outdoor Education, Grade 9  (OEHY1G)

Outdoor Education is a hands-on outdoor experience. Students will be introduced to a variety of activities that will enhance their understanding of outdoor activities that are feasible in our Manitoba environment. Students will demonstrate basic knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for safe and comfortable outdoor experiences in all seasons. They will also demonstrate understanding, respect and appreciation for self, others and their views. The following units will be the primary focus during the semester:  GPS and geocaching, survival strategies, shelter building, fire building, outdoor cooking, fishing, orienteering, tobogganing, and snowshoeing. Assessment and credit mark will be based on notebook and classroom participation, citizenship, class assignments and projects. Students are expected to take an active part in all activities in and out of school.




The Life/Work’s career development curricula have been designed to connect school learning workplace and labour market realities.  They are intended to provide a smoother transition between high school graduation and post-secondary educational programming or direct entry into the working world following graduation.


The experiential learning components will provide students with opportunities to explore potential occupations, and to demonstrate employability skills, essential skills and specific occupational skills.


The time allotted for work-site based activities varies with the course level, with more time assigned for the higher grades:

Grade 9                 Career Development:  Life/Work Exploration       (LWER1S)

Grade 10              Career Development:  Life/Work Planning            (LWPR2S)

Grade 11              Career Development:  Life/Work Building             (LWBR3S)

Grade 12              Career Development:  Life/Work Transitioning    (LWTR4S)




The High School Apprenticeship Program is an opportunity for students to start an apprenticeship while still in high school. For students who are willing and able to find an employer to provide apprenticeship training, the program combines regular high school instruction with paid, part-time, apprenticeship employment. The High School Apprenticeship Program does not replace academic studies, but allows students to integrate apprenticeship employment into their high school program. Participating students earn one academic credit for each 110 hours of apprenticeship employment. The High School Apprenticeship Program is open to all students 16 years of age and older.

For a list of trades eligible for HSAP participation, please visit Apprenticeship Manitoba’s website at:

To enroll in the High School Apprenticeship Program the student:

•             Finds an employer willing and able to train an apprentice

•             Contacts the Winnipeg School Division apprenticeship support teacher who completes the application and monitors the program

•             Maintains all academic studies

For more information, please contact the Winnipeg School Division apprenticeship support teacher

Phone:  204-451-8731     e-mail:​​​

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