Code of Conduct
February 4, 2021
Mission Statement:
Champlain School is an intercultural school that provides a safe, respectful, caring and inclusive environment for learning. We are committed to providing students with opportunities to develop their potential in order to become productive and responsible citizens.
Guiding Principles:
- Personal Management Skills – Provide experiences and learning opportunities that assist and prepare students for a love of learning, build self-esteem and develop self- discipline
- Active Participation in Learning – Provide a quality education promoting physical and mental well- being and academic excellence for each student so that children's strengths, abilities and experiences enable them to become the best they can be
- Social Responsibility – Foster productive and responsible citizenship by practicing personal responsibility, understanding, empathy, acceptance of others, cooperation and team work.
and caring environment where they can work and learn.
Code of Conduct
The staff at Champlain School is committed to teaching the Code of Conduct and implementing it in a fair and consistent manner. We use this in conjunction with the Winnipeg School Division Code of Conduct which parents agree to review with their child at the beginning of the year.
Champlain School Beliefs
At Champlain School our code of conduct is underlined by our 3 beliefs:

A Learner:
- Feels safe and will contribute to the safety of the learning environment for all students
- Solves conflicts peacefully
- Reports all types of bullying both on and off school property to staff.
- Uses social media to build positive relationships.
- Is safe on and off school property
- Goes straight home after school is over at lunch time and at 3:30
A Learner:
- Respects themselves, others and school property
- Resolves conflicts and difficulties through discussion or by seeking assistance from school staff
- Maintains a welcoming safe environment for all members of the school community
- Accepts responsibility for behaviour
- Uses technology respectfully
- Ensures that their work is their own
A Learner:
- Attends School daily and is on time
- Does their best work to the best of their ability
- Practices their skills independently
- Listens carefully to instructions
- Is prepared with supplies and materials for class
- Understands that the role of the teacher is to support them in a positive way.
- Strives to become the best they can be:
- Participates in class activities
- Asks Questions
- Self Assesses and Sets Learning Goals
Proactive Measures
Champlain School has a range of pro-active programs to help students create a positive, caring learning environment. Some of these include:
✓ Teaching students "Mindfulness" through the Mind Up Curriculum
✓ Anti-Bullying Programs
✓ Common Area Training
✓ Relationship building and looping with teachers
✓ School Clubs
✓ Cultural Activities
✓ Monthly assemblies with a pro-social focus
✓ Staff-student mentoring and academic support✓ Response to Intervention (RTI)
Range of Supports
Restorative Practices
The intent of Restorative Practices is to repair harm, restore and build relationships
Other forms of support may include:
✓ Counselling
✓ Mediation
✓ Parental Involvement
✓ Restitution
✓ Student Support Services
✓ Safe arrival and departure
Pro-active supports may be followed by a range of consequences. These consequences outside of the classroom may include the following:
✓ Removal from classroom
✓ In-school suspension
✓ Behaviour Intervention Plan
✓ Out of school suspension (1-5 days)
✓ Reduced School Day
✓ Involvement of North District Behaviour Supports
✓ Police Involvement (in very serious circumstances)
✓ Expulsion from school (in very serious circumstances)
✓ Asking about your child's day at school: "What was the best part of your day?"
✓ Talking about rules and expectations
✓ Asking about your child's homework
✓ Encouraging your child to solve problems in a peaceful way
✓ Being a positive role model
✓ Attending Student-led Conferences and Special Events
✓ Communicating with your child's classroom teacher throughout the year
✓ Contacting the school when you have questions or concerns
✓ Attending Parent Council Meetings