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Grade 1-6 Lunch Program Information

September 12, 2023

Registration Information and Form: 




We are looking forward to a great year and our Lunch Program will be up and running for the first day back at school. If you have not registered yet, we have a few options. We will have a registration table near our front door at our 'Meet the Teacher' on Tuesday, September 06 from 1:30 pm until 3:00 pm. Ms. Johnston, our Lunch Program Coordinator will be able to assist you. Following this, we will have a registration form available here on the website or you may call the school and we can send a registration home with your child. Give us a call if you have any questions regarding registration. For new enrollments to our school, our clerks can give you information.

Here is some information about our Lunch Program.

Our Lunch Program is a 'not-for-profit' service provided to the families at our school by the Keewatin Prairie Parent Association and is available to Grade 1-6 students (Grade 7-9 students are expected to go home for lunch) who require supervision over the lunch hour. It is not a volunteer program, and not run by the school. Fees charged for Lunch Program go directly to staff wages and supplies required to run the program. We do like to hire staff  from our community. If you would like to apply to work over the lunch hour, please contact Ms. Johnston. Applicants must obtain their 'Child Abuse Registry Check' as well as a 'Police Information/Vulnerable Sector Check' completed. Fees to the Lunch Program are paid monthly in cash or by cheque payable to the Keewatin Prairie Lunch Program. Post dated cheques are welcome. We have a drop off box in our Office. Non-payment of fees could result in suspension from the program until fees are brought up to date.

Each child will have a designated area in which to eat their lunch. We try not to have more than 25 students per area. This number is dependent on space and may be more or less. 

We ask that each child bring his/her own healthy, non heat up lunch. Milk is provided. Please remember that our school promotes healthy choices for lunches and snacks. We ask that chips, candy, or pop not to be brought to school or if so, only on special occasions. We try to be as nut free as possible to keep our children safe. We request that you not send your child (children) with lunches containing peanuts/nuts, hazelnut spread or seafood/fish due to serious allergies in the school. 

Your children are supervised during the lunch hour both in the classrooms and on the school playground after their lunch. Attendance is taken daily, and children are not to leave the school grounds during this time. Please phone us if a student(s) will not be attending the program for any longer period of time.

Weather permitting the children leave the classrooms with supervision by 12:30 pm and remain in the school playground until the 12:55 pm bell. Please ensure that your child is properly dressed for the weather conditions. During the colder months, school division policy dictates that students remain in the school during recesses and at lunch time when the wind-chill is -28 degrees or more.

We will be reviewing the following expectations with your child(ren.) and we request that you will go over these as well. 

1. Listen to and be respectful of the supervisors and lunch helpers when they are speaking to you.

2. Respect fellow students, their belongings and personal space, no hurtful language.

3. Raise my hand if I need assistance (opening lids, etc.) from the supervisor.

4. Sit and stay in my designated seat and use an ‘inside voice’ when speaking.

5. Clean my area before leaving the room, putting all wrappers and leftovers away or in the garbage/recycling bins.

Students in the program are expected to cooperate with the supervisors and staff. Inappropriate behavior could result in suspension from the program and it will be the parent’s responsibility to find alternate arrangements for their child/children for the lunch hour.

Thank you for your support!

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