July 20, 2022

It is expected that students will attend at least 90% of all classes. This is a provincial, divisional and school expectation. The following procedures are in place to assist students in being successful in course work and staying in school:
- When a student has been absent from class 10 times (verified or not), the student will receive a final warning about attendance in writing. The letter will be sent to the parent/guardian/caregiver if the student is under the age of 18. If 18 or older, the letter will be sent directly to the student.
- After 20 absences a student may no longer be able to achieve credit in the course.
- After 30 absences a student will be removed from the course.
- When a student is removed from the course, a letter will be sent home outlining their withdrawal.
- When a student is removed from a course, a mark for that course will not be recorded on the report card.
- Appeals regarding this process will be decided by the administration following conversations with the teacher and guidance counsellor.
- In the event a student is withdrawn from all courses, they may be scheduled in the BDD to develop their literacy and numeracy skills.
We understand that there are circumstances that may cause the students to leave school for a period of time. It is important that we know when students are dealing with outside issues so that we can support the student and their family. We look at student as an individual and make decisions on an individual basis.
We work with students, parents, guardians, and caregivers to ensure that students are attending on a regular basis. It is extremely important that students be in class and participating.
Students are responsible for providing evidence of their learning within established timelines. There are consequences for not completing work and for submitting work late.
Students will be provided with clear expectations of assignments, through things like exemplars, rubrics and teacher feedback.
Assignments will have reasonable timelines for completion that will be communicated by the teacher. Regardless of all life and extenuating circumstances, all work must be completed by the end of the course.
There will be consequences for late and missing work. Teachers may deduct marks, require the student to complete work during school time or at lunch, and/or refuse to accept the work.
Students complete tests and submit assignments which must be their own work. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Students will be provided with a clear explanation of academic honesty and will be expected not to lie, cheat or plagiarize on assignments, tests or projects.
There will be consequences for students found to be academically dishonest. Teachers may contact parents, document the incident in the student’s file, enforce loss of privileges at the school, require the student to redo the work honestly and/or deduct marks.
Student will obtain credit for courses when there is clear evidence of achievement of the learning outcomes set out in the provincial curricula.
If students do not submit the necessary evidence of learning to be granted a credit in a course, then the student may be assigned a failing grade and not granted a credit in that course.
Students must earn 30 credits in order to graduate. This includes Mathematics, English Language Arts, and Physical Education at grades nine, ten, eleven and twelve. A Grade 9 and 10 Science and Social Studies credit is required at each level. In addition, a minimum of two Grade 11 credits and two Grade 12 credits in a vocational area is required. The remaining credits can be made up of a variety of credits at any level.
Although school staff will make every attempt possible to help recover lost or stolen property, R.B Russell Vocational High School will not assume responsibility to replace missing items.