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School Supplies Fact Sheet

February 8, 2021

  • Schools in Winnipeg School Division have individual supply lists for each classroom. As such, there is not a  standard school supply list for each grade across the division. 
  • School supply lists are shared with parents/guardians in different ways, depending on the schools' consultations with parent advisory groups. The options are a hard copy list sent home, online lists on the school's webpage, or purchase by the school.
  • Purchase by the school - the school receives payment from a parent/guardian. The school is then  responsible for purchasing school supplies on behalf of all students in the classroom.
  • Schools often collect school fees for items such as (but not limited to): field trips, recorders, school supplies and camp fees.

Student Activity Fees

WSD policy JJD Right To Participate ensures that WSD makes all reasonable effort to ensure no student is excluded from participating in activities based on their ability to pay supplemental school fees.

  • Student activity fees are voluntary amounts used to supplement a student's school experience through materials and activities such as student agendas, student recognition programs, yearbooks, extracurricular activities, school dances or theme days.

  • WSD schools may charge fees for, or require students and parents/guardians to provide:
  1. Materials used in goods that are intended for the student to take home for personal use.
  2. The purchase of paper, writing tools, calculators, exercies books, portable computer data storage devices including, but not necessarily limited to, USB keys, CDs or DVDs, and other school supplies and equipment for a student's personal use.
  3. Rental or purchase of a musical instrument for a student's personal use.
  4. Fees in respect to field trips, team trips or special events, to recover associated actual expenses only, inlcuding transportation, accommodation, meals, entrance fees and equipment rental - but not the cost of substitute teachers' salaries.
  5. Appropriate personal clothing for school activities (such as gym wear, footwear, and outerwear), personal safety equipment and musical instruments or require a student to bring appropriate materials, supplies and equipment for their personal use at school.

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