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Transportation Fact Sheet

January 11, 2023

Winnipeg School Division provides transportation services where necessary and subject to WSD regulations, The Public Schools Act and Regulations, and The Highway Traffic Act. The Transportation Supervisor (under the general direction of the Secretary Treasurer) is responsible for the implementation and operation of pupil transportation within Board Policy and these regulations.

Who is eligible for transportation in Winnipeg School Division:

Inclusive Education: Students who have physical, mental, and/or emotional disabilities are provided with school bus transportation.

Language and Alternative Programs: Students in Kindergarten to Grade 6 in a language or alternative program, and Nursery students attending one of WSD's three French immersion milieu schools or Aboriginal education school, whose residence and daycare are 1.6 kilometers or further from the school. Please note: Transportation is only provided if both daycare and home residence are 1.6 km or further from the school. If either daycare or home residence are closer than 1.6 km, no transportation is provided.

Cost of transportation:

Transportation of pupils in Winnipeg School Division makes up 1.8 percent of the division's total budget for a cost of almost $7.3 million annually.

On average, 1,706 students are bussed daily to and from school in Winnipeg School Division.

Riding on a WSD School Bus:

Students are expected to behave in a responsible manner during loading and unloading and while the bus is enroute. Unacceptable behaviour may result in disciplinary action.

Route distances and ride times vary depending on how many pick up locations and drop offs are included in the buses schedule. WSD strives to achieve a best practice through careful scheduling of ensuring student ride time from pick up to drop off is no more than one hour, however, some routes may be impacted by unexpected traffic delays, vehicle congestion around schools and the time it takes for some students to board and leave the bus.

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