Naming or Renaming Schools
December 13, 2022
Winnipeg School Division is committed to maintaining values of inclusiveness, diversity, reconciliation and respect for the rights and human dignity of others. Accordingly, WSD will consider renaming a school that is inconsistent with these values.
As part of School‐Based Decision Making, it is important to include community consultation and input from parents, students and stakeholders for the renaming of schools.
Requests to begin the process to rename a school may be initiated by the Board of Trustees or in response to a request from staff, students, parent councils or community members.
Requests from a member of the Board, the local school community or an external stakeholder group to rename a school should be submitted in writing to the Board with an appropriate rationale. All requests should include:
- The contact information of the community member requesting the review.
- A narrative explaining the basis for the request.
- The actions of the namesake that are not in accordance with WSD values as well as the sources and strength of evidence of the actions.
- The harm the continued use of the name may inflict on the Winnipeg School Division and its community.
- Attachments to support the renaming request.
The procedures for Naming/Renaming of Schools shall include:
Upon a proposal received from the school or local community to name or rename a school, the Board of Trustees will refer the request to the Building/Transportation Committee for review and consideration as follows:
- The Building/Transportation Committee will conduct a preliminary evaluation to ensure sufficient documentation is included and to determine whether a full evaluation is appropriate.
- The request should be evaluated on whether enough support exists to demonstrate the actions or behavior of the current school name is inconsistent with WSD values and if removing the name is appropriate.
- The Building/Transportation Committee will provide a recommendation to the Board of Trustees on whether to proceed with the community consultation for the renaming of the school.
If the Board approves the recommendation from the Building/Transportation Committee to proceed with the community consultation, the following procedure will be implemented:
- A School Renaming Committee comprised of the Superintendent of Education Services, two members of the parent council or community, two student representatives, the Principal or designate and the Director of Buildings will be formed to consult with parents, students and members of the local community and other identified stakeholders regarding the selection of the new name.
- The renaming of schools should be based on one of the following criteria:
- The name of the street on which the school faces;
- The historical or current name of the school community; or
- A name symbolic of the unique program offered at the school
- The Superintendent will solicit feedback from parents and stakeholders, including students, on whether to proceed with the renaming of the school.
- The Chief Superintendent/Chief Executive Officer will share both background information and feedback form all stakeholders with the Board of Trustees for their consideration.
- The Board of Trustees will consider all information provided and give their approval to proceed with the procedures to rename the school.
Once the Board has approved a school renaming, the School Renaming Committee will also distribute a public notice of the school renaming to the local residents of the school catchment area.
At least three of the names under consideration shall be presented at a public meeting of the school community, at which the individuals present will identify at least two preferences for a recommendation to the Board.
The School Renaming Committee will submit its recommendation to the Board for final approval.
Once a new School Name is approved, an official public renaming ceremony will be held at the local school.