Literacy and Numeracy
March 18, 2021
Did you know…
Research shows that Children who read, or are read to, at home will have a more successful time at school, and in life. Students who read at home will have a better knowledge of the Alphabet and the letter sounds, as well as a richer bank of vocabulary that they can use to become a better writer. Reading allows you to learn almost anything, as it can take you to so many different worlds! Practice, Practice, Practice is SO important. Practice makes progress, and we believe everyone is a capable reader. No matter what level your child is starting from, increased time involved in reading can change their life for the best! We recommend at least 20 minutes of dedicated reading time each night if possible, to help to practice strategies being taught to your child at school, and instill a life-long love of reading and learning! Happy Reading!
Not sure what books are just right for your child? Please ask your child's teacher. Mulvey teachers are all enthusiastic literacy lovers. They will be happy to give you some suggestions of books that would be appropriate for your child. They also keep quite up to date on the newest trendy youth books! They may be able to suggest a great new series that your child would really enjoy!
Here are some handy tips and strategies that you can use when reading with your child, or if they come to you when they do not know a word in their book…
How can you help your child with math at home?
Always feel comfortable asking your child's teacher about what math concepts your child is learning about in school. They may have suggestions for you on how you can enforce that learning at home.
Some other suggestions that you can try at home to increase your child's math awareness include:
*Show your child that math is in our everyday lives by showing them how you purchase things at the store when you go shopping.
*Lend your child coins to practice counting money.
*Have children point out patterns they find.
*Let your child help you cook. Cooking involves a lot of counting and measuring.
*Give your child story problems to try and solve. Have your child explain how to solve the problem.
*Count your steps as you walk. Count by 1's, 2's, 5's, and 10's.
*Ask your child to tell you the time using an analog clock.
*Play board games that use dice and try skip counting when moving pieces.
*Look for math in advertisements and everyday experiences in your community.
These are just a few ideas that you can expand on at home! We are so proud of the effort and the way your children put the "earn" in "learn" everyday at Mulvey School!
Mulvey School offers a high quality education that emphasizes current best practices in education. The Resource team, including our school's Special Education Resource Teacher and Support Teachers, provide support to students and their learning needs, as well as to classroom teachers.
The school emphasizes Balanced Literacy, which includes:
~ Read Alouds
~ Shared Readings
~ Guided Reading/Literature Circles/Read 2 Me Framework teachings
~ Independent Reading
~ Diverse Reading Material
~ Levelled Literacy Library
~ Current Engaging Titles
Through writing lessons and opportunities, students learn about:
~ Voice
~ Ideas
~ Organization
~ Sentence Fluency
~ Word Choice
~ Conventions
~ Presentation
Teachers focus on counting, mental math strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, communicating ideas, and real life problem solving that is meaningful and engaging to students.