May 1, 2024
DRAMA CLUB 2023 2024
What a way to end the 2023 2024 Drama Club program! The final performances of the Improv Squad were spectacular! All who attended enjoyed the laughs and were amazed by how well the students were able to use improv and create a memorable evening of theater. The silver collection at the door was $115.00 that will go towards the Drama Club and the United Way. We would like to thank the families/guardians of came out to support the students and cheer them on. It went a long way to build up their confidence and help them perform. We would also like to thank the many staff members who volunteered their time to make sure things ran smoothly as well as to the three grade 5 students were worked as stage managers and helped with sound and lighting and other tasks. A huge thank you goes out to Mrs. Klassen who volunteers a substantial amount of time to ensure the students succeed and their performance is a hit. She has ran this program for several years and each year is a bigger success. And finally, congratulations to the grade six students in the Drama Club for all their hard work and dedication to the program and showing up for each and every practice. It was an effort well worth it in the end!
The grade 4 Drama Club have started their training! The first session started in January and continues until the end of February, one day a week over the lunch hour. Students have been improving and practicing mime and improv skills. Bravo to these drama club students for taking risks and trying new things!
Grade 4 Drama Club
The Grades 5 & 6 Drama Clubs are in full swing! The Grade 6 Drama students have been busy preparing and training for their Spring production coming in April, while the Grade 5 students have been continuing to improve their acting skills and a few might have the opportunity to become Stage Managers for the April production. The Grade 4 Drama Club will begin January 23rd and continue on Jan. 30th, Feb. 6th, 13th, and 20th during the noon hour.
GRADE 6 DRAMA CLUBThanks once again to Mrs. Klassen for volunteering her time to bring the Drama Club back for another year. Students in grade 4, 5 and 6 have the opportunity to hone their acting skills and learning about the process of creating a drama from start to finish. Grade 5 students have drama club on Tuesdays until December 19th. Grade 4 students will start drama club in the new year from January 16th until February 27th. Finally, the grade 6 students will continue drama club on Wednesdays and more rehearsals will be added in March and April to prepare for the April performance. The performances are thought-provoking and sometimes humorous. Last years performance involved improv and audience participation. As you can see below, the performances are packed!
DRAMA CLUB 2022 2023
Congratulations to all of our Grade Six performers for another exciting and comedic improv performance April 11th & 12th. With cues from the audience, students improvised various scenes and created an experience that changed for each performance. We would like to thank Mrs. Klassen and Mr. Opena for running the drama club and orchestrating the drama perfomances. Mrs. Klassen started the Drama Club in 2013 and has been volunteered a lot of her time (including coming in during her maternity leave) to ensure students get the opportunity to develop and show off their acting chops! We would also like to acknowledge the team of staff who volunteered their time to help make each year successful!
Drama Club 2019 2020
Once again our Drama Club for Grades 3-6 are in full swing! The Grade 5 students will be starting Drama Club on Mondays. Students are expected to stay over the lunch hour and have lunch here. If your child is in Lunch Program, they will continue to eat there; students who normally go home for lunch, will eat in the Pit with Mrs. Klassen and Mrs. Groot.
Grade 5 Drama Club: January 27th, February 3rd, 10th & 24th.
Our Grade 6 Drama Club has also been meeting after school on Wednesdays. Students learn to create characters, work within a theme creating scenes and writing scripts. Each year, the Grade 6 Drama Club ends with a performance piece to show and share what they have learned. This is a big commitment for the students throughout the year, and they work very hard to perfect their acting prowess. The performance date will be held in April 2020. We are excited to see what the Grade 6 students come up with!
Grade 6 Drama Club: January 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th, February 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th, March 4th, 18th & 25th, April 8th.
Drama Club 2018 2019
We would like to thank the many families who came out to support this year's drama production titled, "Sometimes You Need a Little Magic". This year's drama club had the most students involved so far! Once again a huge thank you goes out to our grade five stage managers and to Mrs. Groot and Mrs. Klassen for volunteering their time to work with the Drama Club. Since it's start in 2014, Mrs. Groot and Mrs. Klassen have been contributing their time every year. We highly recommend you check out the drama next year. You may be surprised to see some students come out of their shell and perform, but they also have a lot of fun!
Drama Club 2017 2018
We had a great response to the Drama Club with students wanting to be involved and learning about writing scripts and different acting techniques. This year we have had 29 students join up, not including our Grade 5 stage managers. Thanks to families and their generous donations, two $100.00 donations have been made to St. Amant in honour of two Tyndall Park families that share a connection with this centre.
A pizza lunch will take place the next day for students involved! We look forward to seeing parents/guardians come out for an evening of entertainment, some laughs and suprising acting skills! Past reviews have highly recommended seeing performances! Once again, we would like to thank Ms. Klassen and Ms. Groot and their team of staff members for all their hard work and dedication and allowing students this fabulous opportunity!
Grade 6 Drama 2016-2017

Congratulations to the Grade 6 students for an excellent drama production entitled, 'Plugged In'. The drama written and performed entirely by the students, showcased the ups and downs of modern electronic technology. The drama production is part of the Language Arts and Social Studies learning goals for Grade 6. There are many people to thank for their hard work and talents contributed to the production, but a huge thank you goes to Mrs. Groot and especially to Mrs. Klassen who donated her time during her maternity leave and would often bring in her little one to rehearsals and for drama planning. Any donations taken at the door, will be used to help support Grade 6 extra curricular activities. We would also like to thank parents and guardians for their support by coming to the performances and by ensuring their child attended rehearsals. We are looking forward to seeing what next year's Grade 6 students will do!
Grade 6 Drama Club 2014 2015
Our Grade 6 Drama Club welcomes families to it's production of 'Beginnings & Endings'. Please attend their performances on Wednesday, April 27th, at 1:15 pm or 7:00 pm. The performance has taken many hours of practice and preparation by the students and staff of Tyndall Park School. The drama production is part of the Language Arts and Social Studies learning goals for grade 6. Each character has been prepared by the students. We would like to thank Mrs. Klassen and Mrs. Groot for the hard work and dedication to once again volunteering their time to help the students shine during their performances!
Grade 6 Drama Club Presents 2013 2014
"A different kind of war"
This is war from a grade 6 point of view.
None of us have had first hand experience with war except through media, school and our families. We have compiled a series of scenes and dramatic reading to show our thoughts and understanding on this serious topic.