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Lunch Program

May 30, 2024

The Lunch Program at Lord Selkirk School is a school run program. The Lunch Program Supervisors are Educational Assistants (employees of the Winnipeg School Division) and the role of Lunch Program Co-ordinator is shared between the school Vice Principal and Principal. There are no fees Lunch Program in the 2024-2025 school year.

Lunch Program Registration: Lunch Program Registration Form 2024-2025.pdf

All families who want their child(ren) to eat lunch at school during the 2024-2025 school year must complete a registration form. Completed registrations forms are helpful for a couple different reasons.

Student Safety: it lets us know that it is your expectation that your child remain at school for lunch and that your child has permission to stay at school for lunch.

Planning Supervision: knowing how many students will remain at school for lunch helps us to make staffing arrangements. 

If you are new to Lord Selkirk School, when you register your child at school or have an intake meeting, please let us know that you would like your child(ren) to join the lunch program. 

If you are a returning family, you need to complete a registration form each year. The form is similar to other permission forms and need to be renewed each year. 

Paper forms are available in the main office.

You can access an electronic copy of the form here to print at home.

All students eat lunch in their classrooms from    12:00 to 12:30 p.m. 

All students and supervisors go outside from       12:30 to 12:55 p.m. 


Our goal is that every lunch hour is a success! A successful lunch hour looks like people getting along with one another, having constructive fun, and following our 3 B’s: 

            Be Safe:                      Keep hands and feet to yourself

                                                Stay in your classroom during the indoor portion of lunch

                                                Use walking feet

            Be Respectful:           Use manners (please, thank-you, wait your turn)

                                                Speak in calm voice

            Be Cooperative:         Clean up after yourself

                                                Listen to one another


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