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Artful reinvention

February 8, 2021


As part of Weston School’s Earth Day celebrations, students practiced the fine art of repurposing—turning milk jugs, bottle caps and cardboard into artwork and games.

Led by the school’s Eco Green Team (a group of 25 Grade 4-6) students, students from every classroom created items like juggling scarves, puzzle-piece picture frames, homemade paper and more. All of the craft items used were repurposed and reused recyclables and garbage.

“Many of the items were secured through Arts Junktion,” said teacher Linda Parker. “We are thrilled to be utilizing this great community resource to divert useful product away from the landfill as waste.”

“You don’t have to buy anything to make something cook,” said student Rose Anne Omana. “You can make something out of things you can find at home.”

This is the first year the Eco Green Team has been in place at Weston; students have taken on a leadership role to manage the collection of recycling.

“We recycle on a regular basis for every classroom, and we make up Earth-friendly activities for kids to do,” said student Emma Hartwig.

Team members also handle announcements reminding the school when it's recycling pickup day and include an eco friendly tip. The April Earth Day Celebration was the team’s second project, and will be followed by a leadership role in the school's annual Community Clean Up in May. The group also hopes to start composting at the school as well.

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