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Emergency School Evacuation

February 4, 2021



Emergency School Evacuation 



It is very rare that schools must evacuate their students due to an emergency.  If there was an emergency at École Stanley Knowles School, we would evacuate the building to an alternate location, Tyndall Park School at 2221 King Edward Street.  All staff and students will be expected to walk to this location and follow the procedures below: 


​· Teachers will stay with students in their care.  Each teacher will carry classroom registers.  Children’s attendance will be checked when leaving ÉSKS and upon arrival at the new destination.


​​· Educational Assistants will assist Nursery or Kindergarten students and carry the First Aid Kit.


​​· Clerical staff will carry any medication stored in the office and the student information sheets.   This information will provide a complete listing of students’ phone numbers as well as the emergency contact information. 


​​​​· Parents/Guardians will be informed by telephone if possible.  Older children (Grade 5 - 8) may be requested to relay messages informing parents of children’s whereabouts where possible.


If parents collect their children enroute to Tyndall Park School, they MUST ensure that École Stanley Knowles School staff is aware that the child will be accompanying his/her parent/guardian.   




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