Student Services
May 30, 2023
Student Services provides a continuum of supports for students to enable them to learn and achieve and benefit from an education. Supports are related to academics and social/emotional growth and development and are provided from transition into school during the early years to transition from school to adult life.
- Bullying Prevention
- Early Childhood Transition Network
- Everyone Welcome
- Health Education
- Inclusion Support Services
- School Counselling Services
- School Patrols
- Special Healthcare in Schools
For information pertaining to specific student support initiatives at your child’s school, please contact your child’s teacher or the school administrator(s).
Jón Olafson
Acting Director
1577 Wall Street East
1577 Wall Street East
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 2S5
Ph: 204-789-0486
Fax: 204-772-6464

WSD Healthy Minds