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Room 13

June 25, 2024

It is really hard to believe that another year of learning is rapidly coming to an end! The students in Room 13 are working at staying focused on completing their assignments. We will continue our learning and expanding our understandings in all subject areas.


There are many exciting activities scheduled for this month! Of course, as usual, the most exciting event this month is the Grade 6 Farewell. It will take place on Tuesday, June 25 beginning at 1:30 p.m. in our school gym. Planning is underway and as always, it will be a time to celebrate all of your child’s successes throughout their time here at Mulvey. We look forward to having you join us on that day to celebrate the achievements of your child and all of the Grade 6 students!


Thank you to all the parents/guardians who have taken an active interest in their child’s progress this year. It is only with your help that your child can experience the successes they deserve.


Have a safe and enjoyable summer!







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