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Coach Room 14

June 25, 2024

It’s hard to believe we’re in our last month of school. It has been quite a year and everyone adjusted so well to all the changes. We recently finished reading the book George and have started The Wild Robot. The chicks hatched on June 3rd and 4th and we were so excited that we got to see quite a few break through their shells. They went to live at the farm on the 7th. Now we are getting ready for the emergence of our painted lady butterflies and we are looking forward to releasing them. In art, we are working on finishing our hand chimes project to Count on Me by Bruno Mars with Miss Brenna. It is sounding great! This year’s Coach awards will be held in Kildonan Park. We are looking forward to celebrating all the students and what they have accomplished this year. We hope everyone has a great summer  




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