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Room 22

June 25, 2024

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We can’t believe this is the last month of school!  It has been a wonderful school year filled with excitement and many accomplishments. Students can be proud of their hard work and learning this year. It was a pleasure working with such a wonderful group of students.

In Math, the class has finished up our unit on Equality and Inequality. They did such a good job on this unit, and really seemed to understand that equal means that we have the same value on both sides. To finish off our year, we will be working on our year-end review. In Science, we will be continuing to work on our unit on Characteristics of Living Things. The class has been busy learning about Living Things and Non-living things, how to sort them, and finding similarities and differences amongst them. In Social Studies, the class began a unit on Canada, that we will be continuing into June! We will also be continuing our Read to Me groups part way into June for. What a fantastic job the students have done in these groups this year! It really is amazing to see the progress all students have made with their reading and writing! 

Thank you to the students and parents for a fantastic school year, and I hope they all have an enjoyable summer break! 




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