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Art Class

June 25, 2024

Greetings everyone!  It is hard to believe that the end of the year is upon us already!  What an outstanding year. I have watched you all grow your artistic skills in so many ways. I am so impressed with your progress. Most students are finishing up their projects and some of you are already done, good work!. It is very rewarding for me to see all of your hard work paying off in such a beautiful manner.  The grade 1/2’s are busy practicing their dances for a mini performance at the Misericordia seniors center. The grade 2/3’s  have just finished pouring their candles.  The grade 3/4’s have finished their habitat plates. The COACH students are recording their mini music video featuring their voices and hand chimes.  The grade 4/5’s are all working hard to sew their memory books together (which is a complicated and knot filled endeavor).  Finally the grade 5/6’s are making good progress on their famous artist artwork paintings.  I am hoping you can all buckle down and finish and finish up before the end of the year comes leaving a wonderful legacy of your work behind for future students to enjoy and use.  I appreciate all of your continued focus as we wind up the year.  It has been such a pleasure being your art teacher this  year.  I look forward to seeing those of you who are returning to Mulvey again next year and to my wonderful grade 6 students, I wish you all the best next year as you continue your learning journey in junior high. I’ll leave you with some photos of various projects looking back on the year.  I hope you all have a great summer.  I hope you find ways to practice you art over the summer break and most importantly, stay creative!!! 


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